Coach Meeting 7/31/14
Posted August 4, 2014
Coach Meeting 7/31/14
Jessica Agnew
Asked for senior baby pictures for the senior pep rally Oct 31 -they are due by Sept 7 but the sooner you can get them in the better. She would prefer them come to the email I have attached her letter on the website and the facebook page.
AD Agnew:
Our first 2 games to be game of the week-will have spirit competition at Eastern Shore Toyota on the Wednesday before those games (Aug 20 & 27) at 7-let’s get a crowd there!!
Coach French:
2 a day Practice starts today-players be there at 7am for dress out.
Prob will have only 1- 2 a day because so close to school-they will let players know today.
Williamson game is NOT just a practice this year!
Drug testing forms need to be turned in for EVERY player!
PICTURES are AUG 9! Players need to be there at 9 to dress!!!!!!
All pre-game varsity meals are covered and Freshman meal is being planned.
Very happy there has been more participation in the booster club since most are senior parents.
Getting ready for a busy season as usual-so please sign up to help in the concession stand or parking lot.
Any suggestions are helpful and welcome at any time!