Posted August 6, 2014

AA PROVINCIALS GAME 1: vs. Cold Lake Cardinals

Opening day 6:30pm.

The opening game of the AA provincials featured the DBacks and the Cold Lake Cardinals.

Cold Lake elected to throw their ace out of the gate. DBacks countered with Duke ace Austin Orstead.

Oilmen slo pitch player started at 2 bag for Cold Lake, and the Jason Werth look-a-like put Trask's and Hoss' hair to shame. Fortunately, that was the only thing he put to shame as his swing was grosser than a left-handed Hunter Pence.

Orstead was in full control all game. A series of errors by Gerwing in CF followed by a throw into the 3rd row allowed the only Cold Lake run to score. This was a sign of things to come for Gerwing.

Trask hits a walk off bomb....in the trash bin BasePong game after in the beer gardens.

MVP: Austin for throwing a 2 hitter / Smitty and Moro for going 3for3 and 3for4 respectively.

VAG: Cold Lake team for taking baseball way to serious and refusing to drink in the gardens until they were eliminated.

AA PROVINCIALS GAME 2: vs. Calgary Cardinals

DBacks start Card-killer Thomas Gayef in hopes he can lead them to an early 2-0 lead in the tournament.

Strangely, however, Gayef struggles to find the strike zone. Cardinals put up an impressive 7 spot over 5 innings.

The BackPacks put up 18. So...Big Gulps, huh?

After the game, the Cardinals infield was fitted for neck braces from the whiplash.

MVP: Sudsy for going 4 for 5 (a few landed on the grass in the air!)

Vag: Connor for swiping 3rd and pulling his hamstring in a game we had in the bag.

AA PROVINCIALS GAME 3: vs. Cold Lake Cardinals

Round #2 with Cold Lake (yay 3-team tournies!). Dbacks management decided to ease them into actual baseball by throwing something that resembled slo-pitch pitching - veteran knuckleballer Tony Wyllie.

As usual the DBacks defence took a vacation for Tony's game as he gave up 6 with 1 earned. On the season, Wyllie has given up 26 runs - only 10 earned.

Up 6 - 2, Gayef and Smith entered into an agreement that would anger the baseball gods for the innings to come. The agreement would put the lefty pitcher Smitty @ shortstop for the next game if the DBacks won.....needless to say Cold Lake tied up the game in bottom of 7.

In the top of 8, the BackPacks looked to add another page in their marvelous "play book" which, at the time, had only one play - "Walk, Walk, Bomb".

With 2 out, Dan Moro, Erik Hostettler and Brad Regher turned to page two and wrote the second official play of the BackPacks - "Single, Steal, Single, Steal, Single." putting up an impressive 2 out rally to go up 2.

Craig Sinyerd came in to close the game recording the first 2 outs and then walking and beaning a few just for shits and giggles before completing a 1 - 3 put out.

MVP: Tony for throwing gound ball after ground ball. Dan for starting the rally top 8 to win the game.

Vag: DBacks Defence

AA PROVINCIALS GAME 4: vs. Calgary Cardinals

At this point, we're getting really tired of playing teams named the Cardinals.

Tom Gayef, a man of his word, started Curtis Smith at shortstop. Curtis proceeded to make every single play and only needed 1 spin move to complete the error-free outing.

Craig Sinyerd started the game and threw 5 solid innings. Brad Regehr came in and closed it out.

Hostettler was moved to 2nd base and was quoted saying, "Second base is f*cked, like, seriously".

MVP: Smitty for promoting equal rights for left handed players.

Vag: Pat Shippit for saying "Am I going to start at 4pm?" and then leaving for the beach when he found out no. #TeamPlayer #TooOldToCare #KneeReplacement


Despite losing the previous game to the CL Cardinals, the Calgary Cardinals advanced to the finals on a 1-3 record on a better runs for/against ratio.

Nelly started for the Cards and did what Nelly does best - throw an extra inning CG and roll it over to start the following game. Stuff looked fantastic. However, throwing only 11 innings all year and all in one day caused his finger to violently explode, making anything he touched look like a murder scene.

Gayef, grossed out from all the blood/dirt balls, showed the plate ump the evidence which got Nelly removed from the game. This essentially secured the win for the BackPacks as the Cards only brought 1 decent arm to Provincials.

With Nelly gone there was nothing to stand in the way of the BackPacks' hot sticks - 10 runs were scored and ended the game in a mercy.

MVP: Nelly for losing 1/10 of his blood and throwing 11 consecutive innings / Cold Lake for actually being a men's baseball team and drinking beer in the beer garden.

Vag: Gayef for starting the chain of events which ended the only decent game of the weekend.

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