DBacks Sting Giants 8-4

Posted May 28, 2015

DBacks Sting Giants 8-4

The DBacks started Riley Schaaf, who blocked off 1 hour in-between coaching sessions for his start versus the Giants. When asked how long he can go for, he replied, "They ain't be touching this".  Which, while completely ghetto English, turned out to be relatively true.

Unfortunately, the top half of the DBacks lineup used up most of that hour window, putting up a 7 spot over the first 2 innings.

A huge contributor to that 7-run inning was the Giants pitcher, who - when not serving up beachballs - was cutting surefire outs on throws to the plate from the outfield.  

Rookie Matt Zanutto came in to shut the door after Schaaf left to go shape the dreams of Calgary's Youth. His stuff looked good until "The curvy stuff stopped working and I started throwing BP fastballs".  8 - 4 final.   

JR made his annual appearance behind the dish. Almost stopped the ump's heart when he tossed his mask into his chest on a foul ball.

Axel arrives 30 seconds before game time and stays red hot and goes 3 - 4 with a pair of ribbies.

Gerwing hosed a guy at the dish.

Trask misses Kenton and strikes out twice in his honor.  Here is footage of one of the strikeouts: https://vine.co/v/eudM2bA2mrr

Shippit misses his eyesight and strikes out twice because of cataracts.

MVP - Axel

VAG BADGE - Schaaf for balking in the only run he gave up.

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