DBacks Split Against Dusty-Cocks

Posted June 4, 2015

DBacks Split Against Dusty-Cocks

Twins Game 1

Veteran Tony Wyllie gets the start against the newly formed Dusty-Cocks (AKA the Twins but no one likes that name). Zanutto agrees to catch the Knuckle Baller stating "yea I've caught a few knucks before, everything should be fine".

By a few knucks he meant 3 and everything was not going to be fine as the pair set a team high PB/WP record, beating Wyllie’s previous record of 12. Trask relived Tony in the 6th only to watch the DBacks gift wrap the W for the Twins with Axel dropping a ball in left, followed by Sudsy's E6 and a PB to give it away in a walk off fashion. 

Wyllie throws a 3 hitter.... walking 8. As Ryan Saunders would say - Yiiiikkkkessss.

Top of the lineup struggled against the playground zone speeds and consistent diet of not fastballs - going 3 - 13.

Trask with the no walk, no hit, loss.

MVP – JR for getting out of work early to attend post game beers.
BADGE – Teddy for not participating in the team building exercise after the games.


Game 2

Won 12 – 2.

Gayef hit a bomb.

The End.

MVP - Gayef
VAG BADGE  – Gayef for this write up


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