Important Information

Posted August 2, 2015

Important Information

Good Morning Everyone,


First I would like to say thank you on behalf of the Jr. Popes organization for the turn out of the parent meeting yesterday.  It was a little hot and we were a tad bit short handed with the equipment handout, so we want to thank you for your patience and understanding.


I just want to touch on a few things today.



I sent out an email this morning to all parents whose physicals I received or have documented from last year that the physical is still valid for this season.  If you did not receive an email this morning, I will need a copy of your child’s physical. 

Some parents brought the paperwork including the physical to the meeting and it was inadvertently handed back. If this was the case, please bring the documents to practice and I will accept them at that time.  I will be accepting fees and paperwork all week during practice.

**For proof of Insurance, I advised some of you that you can just text or email it to me.  My Cell Phone Number is 414-350-1229.


Practice will be held Monday through Friday this week from 6-8pm. We will hold practice at Dyer Field which is located at 200 N 80th St (80th and Stevenson which is 2 blocks south of Bluemound or 2 blocks west of Pius XI High School).  

If your children have asthma, they must bring their inhaler to practice each day; be sure to write their name on the side of the inhaler. 

No full contact is allowed.  No helmets or shoulder pads allowed (Unless otherwise specified).  If you have football cleats, bring them.  No saggy or baggy clothing is allowed (pants must be above the buttocks), and no blue jeans.

Starting today, please make sure your children drink plenty of water so they are well-hydrated.  In addition, each day of practice, please have your children drink 20 ounces of water about 2-3 hours before practice and bring water/Gatorade each day to practice.



Here are the important dates for the fundraiser.

1.       Fundraiser will run from 08/01/2015 – 08/20/2015

2.       Forms and Money will be collected at practice on 08/20/2015.  (I know the 21st may be a payday for some of your customers, if you need an extension let me know.)

3.      Delivery tentatively set for September 23rd. The actual date and time will be given as we get closer to the time.

4.       The profits will be split 50/50, for example:

 You sell a bag of popcorn for $15. We pay United Fundraising $9, our profit for that one bag of popcorn will be $6.  We split the profits with you, $3 for you, and $3 to the organization. 

**Funds will be used to cover unpaid registration fees first, the remaining will be refunded as cash.

There are a few more incentives with the fundraisers.

For the Popcorn, the Top Seller will get an additional $1 per item sold.  You must have a minimum of 35 items sold to qualify for this incentive.

If you sell at least 20 popcorn items, you will win a free PIUS JR. POPES Water bottle or coffee Mug.

For the Spirit cups, Sell 10 items from catalog (not the individual ones), get a free travel mug (1) (the coffee type ones)

Depending on how well we as an organization does with the fundraiser, we may have a money drawing.



Thirty-One Gifts

A few of you asked where you could get some of the bags that I had during the parent meeting.  I am a consultant of Thirty-One Gifts, and all the bags were purchased from there.

As promised, here is the link that you can purchase from.

Thirty-One Gifts


Spirit Wear

We will have Spirit Wear info for you shortly.

Any questions what so ever please do not hesitate to ask, the Jr Popes Board Members will be happy to help you.

Let’s get ready for another great season.  Hope to see at practice tomorrow.



Jr. Popes Night/Tailgate

August 10, 2015   read more

Important Information

August 02, 2015   read more

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