End of another season

Posted August 13, 2015


        Well what can i say? After i wrote on this page the Reds took some new meaning to playing baseball. Not only did there record improve dramatically, but the overall play of the team looked much better as a product. I actually enjoyed watching the second half of this past season. Not only did they look as if they wanted to win (and they did win a few) but they were able to put together a string of about 9 games where they played almost to their max abilities. That is what we the fans want to see on a nightly basis. To be Honest it was awesome to be able to watch a team compete very fiercely, like they did in the so called dog fight they had up in Roseau in game two of the first series. Talk about a game with highs and lows but what an overall image of how to throw a proverbial punch after taking one. I mean to tell you the Truth, if the ump doesn’t botch and I mean blow a couple calls I think that series goes to game three and we all make it home very late that night. It was pretty disappointing to watch them come unglued in the next series tho and loose to a team that isn’t better than them. Basically beat themselves, Self-destruct. Anyways, if you look to the future and forget the past like you should be taught to do. The Reds future looks to be very bright and maybe the train will right its self over the next couple seasons. Some of the players that are coming back will be a little older and more veterand, and some of the new players that will come in next season should bring in some great youth talent and a great product to put on the Karn. Also what a crowd at the last home game, probably the biggest crowd I have seen at a Reds game in about 5 or 6 years now there must have been 150 people in attendance. It’s always great to see baseball flourish like that on a Sunday afternoon in July! Well I hope that next season goes great and I hope to see you all out at the Jim Karn. Thanks and GOOOO Reds!

Reds Beat writer  


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