Fall Ball Registration Now Open
Posted July 15, 2016

Players should read the following information to better understand what the program is about and to help have a more enjoyable and successful experience. Please read carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
Registration is this Tuesday, September 6 starting at 4:15PM at the Mackie Park clubhouse. Check or cash payment is due at that time. Hats and shirts will be issued to new players. Players should arrive in time to be ready for practice at 4:45PM.
Our website (ndbluejays.com) is where you will find all the information you need about practices and games. We will not send out email or text updates. You should check the website regularly for updates and changes.
The planned game schedule is posted in the CALENDAR section of the website. This is our plan for games through the end of Fall Ball. Please note that this may change due to weather or other situations. Senior and Junior team games are identified separately.
Updates of the plans for each week will be posted in the Sr TWIB and Jr TWIB sections of the website. These will usually be updated Sunday nite for the coming week. Practices days and times will be posted here as well as player assignments for games.
Schedule changes for games and practices will be posted in the Sr TWIB and Jr TWIB sections of the website. It is important that players check these before leaving for practices or games for last minute changes that may occur!
The emphasis of Fall Ball is player development. Equally important, it is also an opportunity for players who wish to be part of the Blue Jays Spring season teams to demonstrate their abilities to the coaching staff. This includes not only their baseball playing skills, but demonstrating preparedness, good communication skills, sportsmanship and the ability to follow team rules. In this regard players are expected to show up for games and practices on time with all of their gear. It is understood that players may have schedule conflicts from time to time. Players should inform the coaches at the end of practice as to their availability for the upcoming weekend. Also, players must plan ahead and bring their own lunch for double header games.
Parents are asked to refrain from talking to players or coaches during games and practices. Any issue that needs to be discussed with the coaches should be done outside of game or practice times.
Thanks again for joining us for Fall Ball.