2019 MMSL Rules

Posted April 13, 2018

MMSL League Rules

- 9 Inning Games for regular season, 7 inning games for Tournament

- Mercy rule is 20 after 5 and 12 after 7

- no metal cleats

- any baserunner who leads off the base before contact is made is an out (foul tips count as contact)

- batter is out if they step on the plate while in motion of swinging the bat

- 3rd strike foul is an out

- home plate is live, but ball must travel forward in front of board

- any baserunner who touches home plate is out 

- baserunners are committed to running home after they cross suicide line

- suicide line should be approx 1/3 up the baseline from homeplate towards 3rd base

- baserunners cannot be tagged between home plate and the suicide line. 

- foul tips that are caught by the catcher is an out

- no sliding at home 

- fielder gets the white bag, runner gets orange bag at first base

- If a batter needs a courtesy runner, he must declare he needs a runner prior to batting. He can only go to first base. Any other runners can advance. Last out will serve as the courtesy runner.

-No maximum height limit on pitches, but minimum height is 6 feet or else ump will call illegal pitch.

- Extra innings are played if necessary. Played straight up as a normal inning. 

- 4 1/2 innings played is considered a complete game.

- Players must play 5 games to be eligible for the year end tournament.(However, if unable to field a full team for the tournament(10 players) then callups are permitted to make 10)