Year 100 complete!!

Posted September 6, 2018

We don't even know where to start when thanking people for their contributions this year. I am sorry in advance for maybe missing someone, but please know we did not miss you on purpose. Thank you to Affinity Credit Union for their continued financial support. Thank you to all who came out to our camp in May. We really appreciate the great turnout and response once again. Thank you to our umpires in Marysburg this year - Mathew Gerwing, Dylon Bornhorst, Lee Connel, and Dean Jaeb. Thank you to all our wives and girlfriends for your non stop support. The fact you support us so well enables us to play this game we love. If you did not support us, we simply would not have a team. Thank you to all of the people of Marysburg and area who helped us out at our successful 100 year reunion this summer. What an incredible event!! For fear of missing someone I'm simply thanking all who helped. Thank you to all who came to our reunion. It was great to see so many people out and so many 'old' faces. A special thank  you to Arnold Strueby for throwing out the first pitch at the reunion. It was incredible to see Arnold and family there. Thank you to Baseball Saskatchewan for your words at the reunion. Thank you to Paul Strueby, Clark Stork, Leo Wurtz, Kevin Waugh, and Bill Selnes for announcing, MC'ing, and saying a few words at the reunion. Thank you to all the media, both local and provincial, who took some interest in covering us this year. The articles, interviews, and stories you all did were great. We really appreciate it. Thank you to the countless people who sent congratulatory messages and good wishes about 'being 100.' Thank you to Noreen and all mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, etc for working in the concession this year in Marysburg. Thank you to all our fans from Marysburg and area who continue to support us year in and year out. Thank you to Noreen and Wayne Strueby for all you do and continue to do. The amount of work these two people do for this team is staggering. We would not be able to field the team we do without all your hard work. And lastly - thank you to the boys of the team. The absolute best thing about baseball is to be able to go to the ball park and hang out with a great group of guys. We had a tremendous team this year. The amount of laughs on and off the field were great. The vibe in the dugout and clubhouse was fantastic all season long. Thanks boys, for making it so enjoyable once again. Can't wait until year 101. 

  • 2018 Saskatoon Senior Baseball League Pennant Winners
  • 2016 Saskatoon Senior Baseball League Pennant Winners
  • 2015 Senior AA Provincial Finalists
  • 2015 Saskatoon Senior Baseball League Pennant Winners
  • 2014 Senior AA Provincial Finalists
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Thu Aug 16/18 9:00pm:
Stallions 9
Marysburg 1
Wed Aug 15/18 6:30pm:
Marysburg 9
Stallions 4
Tue Aug 14/18 6:30pm:
Stallions 9
Marysburg 7
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