Milwaukee Splits the Day, Unable to Advance to Semi-Finals

Posted September 22, 2018

Milwaukee started their competition early Saturday as they faced off against Iowa State behind freshman Sam Watters. Watters got in to trouble early as he quickly allowed 3 runs in the bottom of the first after Milwaukee couldn’t produce anything in the top of the first. Milwaukee then was able to come back and tie it up in the top of the 3rd with big run producing hits by Alex Elliott and Tyler Wendt. The game stayed tied for a short amount of time as Iowa State came back in the bottom in the 3rd when they scored 4 more runs on Watters ending his day. Ryan "PO" King came in relief to help get the last out of the 3rd inning and proceeded to finish the game giving up only two more hits in 3 1/3 innings. In a statement after the game King stated, "I love relieving and helping out my teammates". Milwaukee was able to push one more run across in the 5th but were unable to complete the comeback.

Final Score: 7-4 Iowa State.

In Game 2 of the day, Milwaukee got behind their ace Ethan Eckelberg as they faced off against Notre Dame. Things started off shaky again as Notre Dame showed off their hitting skills as they went double, single, single, single and quickly plated 3 runs. Milwaukee then was able to load the bases in the bottom of the inning but unable to break the seal and push one across :(. After Ethan had the rough first inning, Ethan settled in and proceeded to deal, not allowing a run for the remainder of his outing. Milwaukee finally got on the board in the 4th inning with an RBI double by Wilson Belknapp that he "definitely thought was an out". He then scored on a double by Jacob Goldsmith who was ecstatic about finally pulling a ball. They then took the lead in the bottom of the 6th completing a comeback with RBI knocks by Kyle Olson, Jack Glosson, and Hunter Garsky. Milwaukee then turned to their closer Jacob "Darth Vapor" Goldsmith who eliminated the opponent collecting 2 more strikeouts.

Final Score: 5-3 Milwaukee

Sadly, Milwaukee is unable to move on to the Semi-finals after Notre Dame which wins the pool on run differential. Milwaukee will be back at it next Friday as they start off conference play against Marquette.


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