Saturday Recap at Northwestern

Posted October 21, 2018

Milwaukee hit the field after a 2-week hiatus and finished its final games against their conference opponent Northwestern.

Game 1 was rocky before the game even started. As the team arrived at the field they received word from Northwestern that the games have been moved back to 1:30 instead of 12. Gutted. They were gutted again by Loyola Academy security and told to leave the field until our game because we were "trespassing" but in all reality we just wanted to be spectators for the Loyola Academy Cross Country Team. Team hiking specialist Hunter "Gunter" Garsky, was the most excited about the race. Once the race finished and the medals were handed out, Milwaukee started to get ready in for the game then Mother Nature decided to let some lightning strike and the team was gutted once again. After 30 Minutes, the game was set to start with 40-degree weather and 25 mph wind gusts. Ideal baseball weather.

Even with everything going poorly for the Milwaukee Club team before the game, they came out swinging and were able to score 4 runs in the top of the 1st with big run scoring hits by Tyler "BB" Wendt and Bradley Carstens. Milwaukee got behind Matt Willems in his first start since the first weekend and he was stellar to start. besides giving up a home run to the 3 hitter he retired 6 of the first 10 batters he faced with strikeouts. After the 1st inning the Milwaukee was able to push 2 runs across in the 2nd and 1 run in each the 4th and 5th. Willems would run into trouble in the 4th as he gave up a 3 run homer that got over by a hair. The final blow to Milwaukee came in the 6th when Northwestern completed their comeback and rallied to score 7 runs in the 6th, 4 coming with 2 outs. Sadly, Matt Willems great start came crashing down and his final line being 5 2/3 6 hits,10 runs 5BB, 2 HBP, 9 K, 2 HR. Milwaukee was able to get 1 more run in the 7th but that was not enough. The fatal gut. final 11-9 Northwestern.


Then all of Milwaukee got gutted as the Brewers lost and the Dodgers advance to the World Series.

Winners: Northwestern, Cross country medalists, Loyola Academy Security, Dodgers

Losers: Milwaukee, Our collective guts, Brewers


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