It’s a numbers game in Armena

Posted May 30, 2009

It’s a numbers game in Armena

The Armena Royals roster is like a WWII infantry unit. Each day a new casualty is named and reinforcements seem to never arrive. 

First Cody “Coco” Sroka, who twisted his ankle in the season opener against Bardo. Then Steve Bergstrom, who could possibly have mild appendicitis and may need surgery. Add in the fact Clark Banack has been in Europe and at a work conference, Steve Thiessen and Krash have retired and Brett Harke has yet to make a game, and the Royals lineup has looked as bare as a cruel mother’s cupboards lately. 

“I guess we can take a positive out of it and say everyone who is healthy and here has gotten at bats and lots of playing time,” said interim co-player-coach Jason Buzzell. “We’ve been able to do the ol’ Brewer bat-everyone routine in every game so far.” 

The Royals will get Banack back for Tuesday night’s game in Tofield. He will likely start against the Lakers who are 0-6, but gave both Ryley and the Royals some trouble in the last couple weeks. 

Bergstrom, Thiessen and Harke on the other hand all may be missing, which means the Royals would have 10 or 11 guys once again. Sroka isn’t expected to even attempt a return until the weekend at the Camrose Roadrunner tourney. 

“I am staying positive,” Buzzell said. “This is a big week for us and we’ll finally get to play more than one game this week, hopefully. 

That will be key for our offence so it can get more at bats and get more comfortable at the plate.” 

Posted on May 30, 2009 by Jason Buzzell