Giants win the Pennant in PL 67

Posted April 27, 2019

Giants win the Pennant in  PL 67

It may not have been heard around the World but the noise made at Candlestick on Thursday as the Giants clinched the 1967 PL Pennant was certainly heard in Chicago, Philadelphia and Houston. Honourable mention must go to the brave Mets who, for weeks, have been punching above their weight. The power of the Giants was just one mound too far to climb. Despite them pushing the Giants to two extra inning games and scraping a victory in one the Series had a feeling of inevability about it. Once McCovey and Alou started hitting the result was not in doubt. It was a fitting climax to the season that the Cy Young Winner Juan Marichal was on the mound. If it hadn't been for a little altercation with Crew Chief David Blevins earlier in the season we would be looking at a 7 game regular season winner. 

It's worth including a short review of the other teams starting with the Cubs. Hapless was the word I used in an earlier column to describe them and that is the kindest one I can still find. Little to offer on offence and Ernie Banks started a slump in the first game that lasted until game 30. With only Billy Williams offering any threat the Cubs players had their October vacations booked in May. The Phillies were a remarkable team this season. How they turned a procession to the Post Season to a season ending slump still has this scribe scratching his pate. What happened to their relief pitching was a mystery as save after save after save was blown losing 7 straight one run decisions. The Astros for most of the season hovered around 500 until suddenly they discovered that in this League mediocrity was sufficient to find themselves top for a few hours in September. Those dizzy heights could not be maintained and the players prayed for a miracle to lift them from 4th into a play off spot. The miracle happened as the Phillies lost both their last games and then incredibly lost to the Astros in a one game play off. Now for the hot stove.........


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Paphos Weather

15th June, 2024
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Wind: 4.61 miles/hour


Team NameWL%GBHR
Yankees - 19611911.633-11-48-7
Reds - 19611812.60019-69-6
Dodgers - 19611317.43365-108-7
White Sox - 19611020.33394-116-9