Ryley Wins Slug-Fest

Posted June 12, 2009

Ryley Wins Slug-Fest

A combination of Ryley hitting, Roadrunner errors, and a mysterious ever-changing strike zone would prove to be the un-doing of the Camrose Roadrunners on Thursday night, as the home-town Rebels prevailed for a 16-13 victory over the league-leaders.

An eight-run outburst in the first inning gave the Rebels a lead they would not relinquish, even though Camrose kept coming back and had the tying run at the plate in the top of the seventh.

Both teams rapped out 13 hits on the night, as it was not a comfortable night for either Hans Haugen, who went the distance for Camrose, or any of the three Ryley pitchers who took the mound.

In the end, though, it was the errors that made the difference, as the Roadrunners committed six of them, and every one resulted in a run. In contrast, the Rebels had only one (non-costly) fielding error.

Offensive leaders were David Andreassen (3 for 4 with 4 RBI’s) for Camrose and Cory Epp (five runs scored) and Kris Kushnerik (3 doubles) for Ryley.

Posted on June 12, 2009 by Jason Buzzell