Ball, pie delight hometown faithful

Posted June 15, 2009

Ball, pie delight hometown faithful

For the second time in three years the Bardo Athletics won their home tournament, with a razor-thin win over the Armena Royals before mercying the rival Ryley Rebels in the championship game.

But during a season when many in the area have given up hope on their crops due to one of the dryest summers in more than half a decade, it was the community spirit and a sense of nostalga that conquered the glumness – at least for a day.

“Well, if we’re not getting any rain, it might as well be nice for a day of ball,” said Bardo’s Ken Stauffer.

The Athletics fought back and held on for a 9-8 win over the Armena Royals in the first game of the day, which turned out to be the only game worth watching on a scorcher of a Saturday. Again though, baseball was just a footnote to the day.

Dozens of local families and friends made it out to the Bardo Recreation Association Grounds for the signature pies and the scrumptious roast beef supper. The cliche phrase in the Tofield Mercury probably will read: “Fun was had by all.”

Which is what makes these town tournaments, like the one this weekend in Ryley so special. But Bardo has its own unique feel that can’t be replicated anywhere else.

Still, one has to wonder how much longer it can last. The Bardo team is not getting any younger. The numbers are dwindling. Baseball is not as popular as it used to be.

Then again, we’ve been here before. At least once every decade the “franchise” seems in peril only to find a way to last. Former Bardo Athletics dotted the BRAC and spoke of the old times, the bad times and the fun times. Even with low numbers, the BRAC has stood the test of time.

“Sometimes when I’m out there mowing I’m like, ‘Why am I doing this,'” Stauffer said. “But it’s so nostalgic. Every year Bardo has a team it’s another (accomplishment).”

Stauffer wanted to make sure the many others that helped Bardo stay alive over the years, got credit. It was a total community effort over the years, and it will have to continue to be to get that one more year in the books.

And that’s what Bardo, and the Powerline Baseball League are all about.

Posted on June 15, 2009