Leduc sweeps Bardo…barely

Posted June 18, 2009

Leduc sweeps Bardo…barely

The Milleteers swept the season series against the team that bounced them from the playoffs last year, but that does not tell the whole story. Every game was a one run game and the last one went to extra innings. The difference maker would have to be Milleteers’ closer Kevin Doyle as he has picked up two saves and an extra inning win agianst the A’s this year. Just like successful Major League teams from the past that had great closers like Eckersley and Rivera, when games get tight in the late innings the boost a team gets from having a reliable closer is often the psychological edge they need to pull out a tough win. This is exactly the effect Kevin has had on his team as he has become the top fireman in the PBL.

The game started off with both teams throwing their number one starters as Steven Pahl locked horns with Chris Mittlestad. The Milleteers got to Mittlestad in the second inning as a combination of timely hitting and Bardo errors allowed the Milleteers to put up a four spot. After that Bardo righted the ship as Mittlestad managed to scatter thirteen hits for only six runs in the ball game. His biggest magic act came in the bottom of the sixth as he wriggled out of a jam with runners on second and third with nobody out and the 3-4-5 hitters coming up without any runs scoring. Pahl cruised most of the game until the sixth when the wheels fell off. A combination of hits and errors allowed Bardo to bat around and tie the contest. The one that really hurt was with two outs and runners on first and third Pahl had the runner picked at first, only to see a botched run down allow everyone to be safe and the run to score.
In extras Kevin Doyle pitched a perfect top half to set the stage for the win as Dan Stephen led off with a grounder to the second baseman that allowed him to make it to second base after an error. Then shortstop Trevor Pahl hit a bloop down the right field line that allowed Stephen to score after the relay throw was booted in the infield, much to the jubilation of the almost fifteen home fans in attendance. Bardo will quickly have their chance for revenge however as both teams will face each other Saturday morning in the Ryley Days Spectacular.
Posted on June 18, 2009 by Steven Pahl