Armena posts team history

Posted August 21, 2009

Armena posts team history

Check out the newly updated modern day history of Armena men’s baseball.

It may be hard for some of the newer players and teams in the league to think of Armena as a powerhouse in the league. But not too long ago that was the case.

The modern day team was born out of the mind of some former Armena Royals, a team that captured a Powerline Championship in 1984. The men’s team back then existed for several years, but as is often the case, kids were born, players moved away and the men’s team in Armena died.

Baseball, however, did not.

Minor ball grew and expanded during the 1990s. Provincial championships were even held at the same diamond PBL teams compete on today. A full weekend of Mosquito through Midget games was not uncommon.

When a group of Midget players were starting to realize that their playing days were likely over, a couple dads mentioned a men’s league that could keep them involved in the game they so dearly loved.

After taking a few lumps in the early days, Armena became a force. Yes, a trip to the hamlet meant you were destined for a loss on most nights in the early 2000s. Eight straight playoff appearances, three straight championships and six straight appearances in the final in nine years was pretty impressive.

So how unfortunate it was to see the Armena team, coming up on its 10th Anniversary as a modern day franchise, look destined to fold when several players looked for better competition in 2008 in a different league.

Fortunately, a couple former Armena Royals stepped up, reinstituted the traditional team name and kept it going – albeit a rough season.

But much like 1999, the Royals are back. Young, green, making mistakes, but surprising teams sometimes. History keeps on being made in Armena – even if it is an uphill climb at times.