Cures for baseball withdrawal

Posted October 30, 2009

Cures for baseball withdrawal

After seeing Rob Berreclothe at the Glen Allan Recreation Centre in Sherwood Park during Thursday Night Men’s curling, it got me thinking.

What do you do to keep yourself busy during the long, cold, winters when baseball is most definitely on the backburner.

I find myself watching and reffing a lot of hockey. I know many of you continue to play beer league or senior men’s hockey. Others of us hit the curling ice or the gym. Most of us also probably hit the bars for the occasional wing night and karaoke contest.

Also, several more mature – at least in age – get some quality family time. They’re at the rinks with little Bobby Hockey Player or Nicky Figure Skater. What was that famous line from Bad News Bears again?

“After tomorrow, we do what all ballplayers do…we shake hands until we see each other next season. Then we go fishing or hunting, make some personal appearances…get to know the wife and kids again.”

“I don’t have a wife and kids.”

“Neither do I, but I got my pools to clean. You’ve got your maps to sell and your ballet to learn.”

Yada, yada, yada.

At any rate, besides the aforementioned activities, what other humerous or time-wasting endeavors do your partake in until spring training rears its ugly head again? Share your thoughts as well as your misery of waiting five more months before even thinking about baseball again.

Posted on October 30 2009 by Jason Buzzell