Seven teams still a possibility?

Posted March 10, 2010

Seven teams still a possibility?

The Powerline Baseball League looked set to go with six teams, but as we all know with men’s baseball, sometimes last-second shotgun weddings can come out of the blue.

It’s still in the works, but a second men’s team that would probably play out of Sherwood Park/Strathcona County could be forming – and the likely league they would play in would be the PBL.

“Right now what we have is a case where we have about 22 guys signed up interested in playing men’s baseball,” said Sherwood Park Minor Baseball Association’s facilities director Rick Bourne. “It’s too many for one team, and not quite enough for two.”

There is another sign-up this weekend, and Bourne said he has received calls from a couple other players from neighboring towns looking to see if there is room on a team in Sherwood Park.

The NCABL team will likely have a lot of guys who have played many years together, Bourne said. But there is also a small contingent of AA and A players who seem interested in continuing to play somewhere if they can.

The PBL has decided to continue with its March 17 meeting and set up a deadline for when this new team would have to make a decision on joining the league or not.

“The schedule can definitely be re-drawn,” said PBL President Larry Lewsaw. “I actually had drawn up a 14-game schedule for seven teams when I still didn’t know for sure about the Roadrunners.”

The meeting, again, is at the Tofield Town Hall beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 17.

It has been rumoured by Jason Buzzell, who continues to try and swindle his way into free beer, that it’s a long-time tradition in the league for last year’s defending champions to buy the non-playoff teams’ representatives (Armena and Tofield) a round of beers following the meeting.

Posted on March 10, 2010 by Jason Buzzell