Let it be heard, or forever hold your peace

Posted March 17, 2010

Let it be heard, or forever hold your peace

Really? Again?

Every year someone in the Powerline Baseball League seems to propose a change to the roster rules only to be overridden with those who feel the 3-game rule is the best way to remain recreational while preventing “ringers” down the stretch and into playoffs.

Most times I wouldn’t care too much about a roster rule – it is what it is, we as teams will follow whatever rule is proposed – but for some reason, under the past rule, there always seems to be an argument or approval at the end of the year for someone who has or hasn’t made the 3 games, or a decision to be made on the interpretation of the rule.

So, last fall, it was proposed at the meeting to scrap the 3-game rule and just let teams submit a rather large pool of players to a list – 18 of them – to be eligible to play for your team.

That means to play on any given night AFTER June 5, you would need just 8 of the 18 players to show up. Just 44% of your “team” show up and play recreational ball. Before June 5, anybody could come out. That’s half the season with no restrictions, no having to get guys to show up to try and get to a mandatory 3 games, no having to keep track of line-up cards or games played. It seemed reasonable, simple and clean enough for the team reps in attendance last fall to approve.

But soon after, a few people not in attendance seemed confused by the change, and another proposal or two or three could be made before beginning the season.

And this is great!

But please, please, please, don’t show up, seem fine with the rules, then wait until mid-season to protest and complain, or cry afoul when the rule doesn’t suit your team. Those who will not attend the meeting, speak with your team reps and make sure you’re on the same page.

Tonight is the time to setup the 2010 season. Let’s hammer something out and whatever is approved, stick with it for a year, deal with it, and re-examine it next year.

Read the 2010 draft rules proposed at the 2009 Fall Meeting.

Posted on March 17, 2010 by Jason Buzzell