Blue Jay: Holden a Good Fit for PBL

Posted May 27, 2010

Blue Jay: Holden a Good Fit for PBL

After a pre-season that saw the Blue Jays go down to the Leduc Milleteers 13 to 0 in an exhibit to why they won the league championship last year and a comeback 11 to 8 win against the Ryley Rebels, the Jays, to many of surprise, sit in 2nd place after three regular season games. Although the season is still early, it looks as though Holden will be a contender in the playoff race.

The first regular season game saw the Jays travel to Tofield and veteran Pat Kawaliuk respond to umpire Peter Roger’s introduction of “Grandpa” to the plate by cracking a curveball over the right field fence. Tofield controlled most of the game as other than the solo shot by Kawaliuk the Holden bats were ice cold and struggling with the pitcher’s effective use of changing speeds. Tofield took a 7 to 3 lead into the top of the 7th when the batter’s for Holden finally awoke. 

Capped by a clutch double to left field by Brendan Ebankio the Jays rallied to tie the game at 7. However, Tofield was not to be denied of victory and responded in the bottom half with a bases loaded walk in what was an intense battle between Holden pitcher Colten Ziegler and Tofiled batter Sean Melanson. Final Score: Tofield 8 — Holden 7

Game number two of the regular season saw Holden welcome their closest neighbors the Ryley Rebels. Pitcher Logan Skori got the start for the Jays and after a few struggles in the 1st inning he was saved by a diving catch in left filed by Wes Burkhard. In four innings of work Skori only allowed 3 runs in what will most likely be his last pitching performance of the year. 

(Upper body injury) The Blue Jays hitter’s showed up for this game as they produced 12 runs in total with some clutch hits when there were runners in scoring position. Kyle Muzechka closed out the final three innings on the mound for the Jays without allowing a run. Final Score: Holden 12 — Ryley 3

The third regular season game of the year saw Holden travel to Bardo and this time Muzechka got the start and dominated over six innings with his twisting curveball and deadly change while only allowing one un-earned run. 

The Bardo pitcher was just as impressive until the top of the 6th when the Jays rewarded Muzechka with the eventual win by contributing six runs with two outs which was started when Logan Skori broke up a potential inning ending double play with a clean hard slide into 2nd. Pitcher Brendan Ebankio closed out the bottom half of the 7th for the Jays. Final Score: Holden 7 — Bardo 1

Posted on May 27, 2010 by Stephen Hrabec