Milleteers Eat Some Pie, Take Bardo Sports Day Title

Posted June 14, 2010

Milleteers Eat Some Pie, Take Bardo Sports Day Title

Just like the centuries old annual march of the Emperor Penguin to its breeding grounds the people of the Bardo area flocked to the Bardo Sports Grounds to watch some baseball and eat some pie, the way they have for a hundred plus years. 

The Milleteers made the trip to Bardo this year coming off their first loss of the season.Player Coach Steven Pahl preached the virtues of showing some patience at the plate to get the offense back on track. 

In the first game against the Armena Royals this worked perfectly as the batters worked some counts and got runners on, and then pushed the envelope on the base paths which resulted in some Royal errors. 

The Milleteers got out to an early lead and the tandem of Shawn Brinkworth and Brad Engel on the hill did enough to get the Milleteers a 11-6 win. The highlight of the game had to be Murray Doyle’s first home run in his life, and he hit it so far that no one could find the ball for him.

In the final the Milleteers faced off against their old nemesis the Bardo Athletics. With a couple of guys having to leave for a stag the Milleteers were one player short for the final, so they picked up young Kenton Banack from the Tofield Lakers. 

The pickup payed off as the youngster was solid in the outfield and chipped in a hit, as well as hustling out a gronder to get the offense started for the Milleteers in their last bat. 

The Milleteers started the hard throwing Jon Anstey and he was tough for the five innings he pitched, but the veteran Athletics managed to get one on him in the second. 

The Athletics almost made that one run stand up, but the Milleteers finally got something going in their last bat as Pahl and Anstey hit back to back doubles to score three runs. Kevin Doyle pitched the last two innings for the Milleteers, and he did not allow a run for the win, exercising his demons from last years playoffs as he blew a save to close out the championship series in Bardo. 

The highlight of this game had to be when Kevin threw a big sweeping curve ball that totally fooled Ray “The Legend” Lehman as he bailed out to the ground to get out of the way, only to have the pitched called strike three. It is not too often the Milleteers get the better of Lehman as he is usually peppering the fence with his hard hitting.

Despite all the ball that was played the highlight of the weekend had to be the awesome pie and hospitality from the Bardo faithful. The Milleteers will look forward to defending the title next year, and again eating the weight in pie.

Posted on June 14, 2010 by Steven Pahl