Milleteers Take Care Of Lakers

Posted July 8, 2010

Milleteers Take Care Of Lakers
The Milleteers got back into action tonight as they took on the Tofield Lakers. The first two meetings of these teams this season saw the Milleteers take the Lakers to the woodshed, but with their playoff hopes hanging in the balance the Lakers came in a lot more focused tonight. Both teams had runners on seemingly every inning, the difference being that the Milleteers got a few key hits, including a bases clearing double from Trevor Pahl to break it open in the second. The Milleteers never looked back as they cruised to victory.
On the mound the Milleteers gave the ball to Ryan Swenson, who was fresh off the DL and hadn’t pitched much in the last ten years, but he looked alright getting the win with four shutout innings. Murray Doyle continued his battle back from arm trouble as he picked up the old school three inning save as he worked some shutout baseball as well. 
Despite the loss the Lakers put forth a much improved effort over the last time these two teams faced off. The Lakers made some good catches in the outfield to end rallies and Marcel Lesoway gave them a decent effort off the mound. All Star Dillon Berrecloth had a couple of hits and four steals as well as he did all he could to try and break the goose egg.
Next up for the Milleteers will be a battle with the Holden Blue Jays tomorrow night. The Jays were poised to try and take over first a few games ago, but now have lost their last three and will need to start stringing some wins together to get home field advantage in the first round of the playoffs. A win here for the Milleteers will all but wrap up first place for them as they will hold the tie breaker advantage over both the Jays and the surging Ryley Rebels.
Posted on July 8, 2010 by Steven Pahl