Set home nights an option?

Posted January 26, 2011

Set home nights an option?

If the Powerline Baseball League sticks with six teams as expected and a 15-game schedule the same as last year, it got me thinking whether making a set home night for all teams would be valuable or not.

The positives:

  1. Known home nights for all players. “We play at home basically every Thursday except…”
  2. Less conflicts with umpiring schedules
  3. Never a week when more than 1 home game scheduled (Less maintenance, worries of a location getting blasted and lose 2 games while another’s field might be fine.
  4. Allows for three weeks where team only plays one game and a buffer week at end of the season
  5. More flexibility for making up rainouts on those light weeks

The negatives:

  1. No home stands so if field happened to be in tip-top shape might miss out on opportunity to bang off a couple games in one week with ease.
  2. Certain nights, certain players can’t attend home games/away games
  3. More back-to-back nights (Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs)
  4. No all-star break
  5. No home and home series on the schedule

There’s bound to be proponents and opponents on both sides. My idea has a second team (maybe Armena for example) moving to Wednesday nights. This means two games almost every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I would post my mock-up of the schedule, but I don’t want people mistaking it for the real deal. I’m interested to see what the opinions are on possibly moving to this format.

Posted on January 26, 2011 by Jason Buzzell