Former Royal named Minister of Justice

Posted February 25, 2011

Former Royal named Minister of Justice

Former Armena Royal and founding father, coach, mentor and even player on a couple occasions for the modern day Armena men’s ball club, Verlyn Olson was named Minister of Justice last week for Alberta.




Olson, who was elected March 3, 2008, as MLA of Westaskiwin-Camrose, coached a young a team of midget-aged ball players in 1999, whom he had coached for many years prior.

He even appeared in a couple games, throwing his patented knuckle ball on the mound, playing first base but struggling at the plate in the first two seasons of the modern day Armena Royals.

His past Powerline days were consumed by the Royals, too, including being a member of the 1984 championship team.

Lately, he’s been busy serving the constituency, that ironically, doesn’t include Armena due to the lines crossing just between his house and the hamlet. However, his heart is still with the Armena community where he served as chair of the Armena Athletic Association at one point.

Olson’s son, Hans, also played for the Armena Royals for three full seasons, including a return from retirement in 2008 and an odd tournament game here and there.

Olson told the Camrose Canadian the announcement was “a bit of a surprise” and he would have to “feel (his) way along and figure it all out.”

Posted on February 25, 2011