Royals look to rebound despite low expectations

Posted April 1, 2011

Royals look to rebound despite low expectations

The Armena Royals aren’t necessarily setting their goals low, but they are going in with an underdog mentality, and if they turn into a Butler or Edmonton Oilers of 2006, then it’s all gravy from there.

Last year’s manager Jason Buzzell has stepped back after a 2-13 campaign and a new son being born in March, to hand back the reigns to a conglomerate of coaches in Clark Banack, Troy Sharpe and Wes Wilson (unofficially). Buzzell will still assist and play with the team 70-80% of the season.

Huge question marks still remain on whom the Royals can acquire and possibly reacquire to make appearances at Anniversary Park in 2011.

The Johnson brothers (Adam and Kris) would be welcomed back – even if it was part-time as Kris plays full-time with the Camrose Axemen of the NCABL and Adam will likely be coaxed heavily by his brother. A full-time offer to former PBL all-star Steve Ofrim was turned down to play for the Axemen as well. Joel Boettger will also leave to bolster the championship lineup of the Rosalind A’s, Battle River League Champions in 2010. 

All could see part-time action if they probably had the time, willingness and were bugged enough, but it’s not something the team can count on.

“We counted on our young guys being the horses (last year), and this isn’t being harsh, they would probably agree with me – but they weren’t good enough,” Buzzell said. “Guys like Kyle (Ellis) and Mark (Walker) really struggled on the mound. Hopefully they’ll have a bounce-back year.

“2009 vets like me and Clark (Banack) let us down. 2010 the sophomores and juniors didn’t live up to expectations. Where will 2011 take us? Who the hell knows. Maybe we’ve all learned a thing or two in the past couple years.”

Another struggle the past two seasons has been run support. The team had a downright pitiful time at the plate most nights with a team batting average of .253 and a league low 53 runs for.

The team has some irons in the fire, but it could look a lot like last season.

Can they improve through simple age and wisdom? That will be the question unless some big free agents are landed. Buzzell doesn’t sound too hopeful.

“Maybe it’s setting sights too low, but setting them high sure didn’t help us the last two years,” he grumbled. “Maybe we came in with low expectations and just try to surprise ourselves for once.”

Posted on April 1, 2011 by Jason Buzzell