Bardo back to .500

Posted June 8, 2011

Bardo back to .500

Bardo went into the night 1 game below the .500 mark and 2 points behind Ryley for second place which combined for a much needed win both in the standings and for the moral of the team. 

Ray Lehman got the start countering Ryley’s Craig Koughan. Bardo’s leadoff Craig Neufeld led off in the bottom of the first with an opposite field double followed by an throwing error by the rebels second baseman which allowed Bardo to take an early lead. The Rebels replied in the second with Kevin Reinholt scoring the tieing run in a inning that included a walk, run down on third and a infield error.

Lehman followed the inning up with a stellar innings striking out 4 of the next 8 batters and only allowing 2 of the runners on in that stretch. The Athletics took the lead for good on the night with a 3 run 4th with P Ray lehman helping out his own cause by leading off with a seeing eye single and moving over to second on a passed ball. 

Dylan Berrecloth drove in lehman and prceeded to steal second. During the steal Ryley attempted to throw out Dylan and in doing so allowed Bardo’s Peter Neufeld to score from third. Bardo then drove in another run to take a 4-1 lead before the end of the fourth.

Ryley put the pressure on in the 6th with leadoff Kyle Reinholt took a blazing changeup right to the meat of the thigh. Cleanup batter Dylan Solberg then hit a double to move both runners in scoring position, and eventually being hit in by older brother Dustin. Lehman finished off his night with a pop out and a suiting strikeout to end the threat. Chris Mittelstadt came in for the close, a role he is not normally known but looked pretty solid as he allowed only one baserunner on via walk. 

Next up for the Bardo Athletics is Leduc on thursday as they try and crawl over Ryley for second place. Doing so wont be an easy feat as Leduc is currently on a 6 game win streak going into thursday night.

Posted on June 8, 2011 by Jason Buzzell