Back to back wins for the first time in 2012

Posted June 8, 2012

Back to back wins for the first time in 2012

Short staffed once again Bardo had to grind out a win in order to keep pace with the ever tightening PBL (2pts seperating 2nd-6th).

With the 2012 entering the halfway point in the season and the league being so tight from top to bottom every pitch is starting to count. 

Sean Melanson got the nod for the night to face off against his old teammates.

The game started off in what looked to be long night for Melanson as he surrendered 4 runs over 3 hits and two errors but managed to settle in and worked 7 strong innings only allowing 1 more run over the rest of the game.

Veteran thrower Josh Banack took the mound for the Roadrunner’s. He has always pitched well against Bardo, but Bardo was able to pick away with a careful eye at the plate using a nice mixture of singles, doubles, and walks. Banack didn’t get much help behind him either with Camrose making 6 errors on the night at inopportune moments.

Only real excitement was in the top of the fourth with 2 away Alex Roth hit into a routine ground ball and 1B Pete Neufeld was off the base forcing Roth to miss first only to tag him out after he had passed by.

This ignited Barry Cryderman into getting ejected from the game after approaching the home plate ump. It was by no means an even up call from the alleged balk that had Banack showing a sly grin on the mound but was a discretionary call that had to be made.

 The Athletics had thought that the mercy rule was changed this year to 10 runs (as did a few other teams in the league) but is still the same rule as before (see below)

 9. If one team is ahead by 16 runs after 5 innings, mercy rule applies.

 As the game played out and the score ended up being 17-5 the A’s now look forward to some homemade Bardo pie this weekend as they host the Annual Bardo Day classic. Leduc will be defending their 2 year reign as champs.

Game times will start off on Saturday morning at 10 with Ryley taking on Leduc.