3rd-8th Grade Boys Youth Basketball Sign-up is September 11, 2019 6:30 - 7:30
Posted August 25, 2019
The start of school means that basketball is right around the corner. The signup night for league basketball is Wed., Sept. 11 from 6:30 to 7:30 in the hallway of the middle school gym. League play is separate from "school" basketball and has a seperate fee. If your son is also playing school basketball in 7th or 8th grade they will have to pay a separate activity fee. On the left under "Handouts" I have attached the 2019-20 WBBC (NWBBL) Registration Form, Concussion Parent/Athlete Agreement and the Concession Stand/Ticket taker Agreement Form. Please print these off, fill them out and return on Sept 11th to the Signup Night. If you have any questions please contact Coach Domach at: bobdomach@wi.rr.com