Newly designed website, more work to be done

Posted December 24, 2013

Newly designed website, more work to be done

The new website is partially here. However, it’s still going to take a lot more tweaking.

All the archived blog posts and comments will stick around from the past five years. However, I am working toward a league tool that would allow us to possibly update the site more easily and even hand this over to some of you or a specific person moving forward who doesn’t need web experience.

The changeover has resulted in some mistakes by myself, but no fear. I am working through them and hope you will be patient. My hope is by February to have a better site that works well on mobile and can be updated easily with the same commenting and blogging in the past.

Also, some feedback and headache with me not being able to review comments as easily, and getting hit on pretty hard for approving or not approving certain comments last year has prompted me to maybe lock down commenting to register users only. I don’t have the time anymore, and for the first time in many years I had to not approve some comments. Then I was ridiculed for approving others, even though they did not have any swearing or accuse anyone of anything criminal.

Hopefully everyone likes the new site and it can be something we use moving forward. Appreciate your feedback.