New website gets luke-warm reviews

Posted April 22, 2014

New website gets luke-warm reviews

The new-look responsively-designed has received less than stellar reviews of late.

Although the standings and scores will auto-populate saving lots of time on the admin side, it just “wasn’t doing it for me” said one long-time PBLer and he’s not alone it appears.

The Ryley Rebels and former PBL President Steve Pahl also didn’t like the need for anonymous users to have to register before commenting, sparking the hashtag #freeusbuzzell for the continuously clever and crude Ryley Rebels Twitter account. Most of the dissatisfaction was a bug in the posts where users had to be logged in and register to comment, but then couldn’t register. This has been addressed now.

As for other feedback, little has been received, possibly because no one could comment.

For contributors besides the already approved Pahl, they can email for access. Once set up, they can login on the front page in the bottom right under Team/Blogger Login by clicking on Site Admin.