Upcoming PBL Website Features

Posted November 28, 2019

Upcoming PBL Website Features
Winter appears to be here for good, which means baseball is in full hibernation until the Spring, some five long months away. While there still doesn’t appear to be a Fall/Winter Powerline Baseball League meeting on the horizon in 2019, there are some features that the website will start to feature that we hope baseball fans will enjoy. 
One of the most exciting things we are working on is trying to compile stories and articles based on information from current and former PBL players. We hope that baseball fans getting to read about stories straight from the players will help them get a better understanding of what the PBL is and what it was during the playing days of some of the players who have retired. If successful, this will likely become a standing feature of the website moving forward with more and more current PBLers telling their stories. We have already been able to reach out to a few players, both past and present, to talk about their individual PBL stories. Once we get some of the logisitics down the goal is to expand it to more and more players. 
The second update is to do with the stories of the teams in the league. The teams that make up the league have some great stories that we feel need to be told to better connect with their communities and baseball in the area. From the start of the franchises to the successful runs they have had, it is our intention to be able to share these stories in more depth moving forward. Again, we have a couple of stories from two teams we are working on that will ideally give fans a more in-depth look at those franchises and some key moments in their tenure with the league.
So there it is, just a quick little update on what we are doing on the website currently and in the future. Expect to see some of these stories start to trickle on the website over the next few weeks and in the New Year.
We have also been trying to help promote local minor ball associations in our communities by sharing any news around camps, tryouts, registrations and coaching opportunities on the PBL's Twitter feed and here on the website. It is all to help promote the game of baseball and to try and get as many kids and coaches involved in the game within our baseball community that we can. You can find minor ball associaiton website links by clicking here