‘Midseason’ classic hits at difficult time

Posted June 19, 2015

‘Midseason’ classic hits at difficult time

As much as I loved playing the PBL vs. BRBL all star game, this year’s version unbelievably comes at a very inopportune time even coming from one of this All Star’s games biggest backers.

This is in no ways anyone’s fault. The date of the game has remained virtually unchanged happening the third or last week of June (save for any rainouts) and generally hits at the two-thirds point of the campaign. However, due to the draught and unbelievable (bad)luck, all but TWO games have been able to be completed.

That means Thursday right after the all star game marks the last game already for a Bardo, Beaumont and Holden. The top three teams are in a heated race for first and three others are playing playoff games essentially two days later. Unprecedented!

The problem?


It’s always an issue, but how does Craig Koughan deal with the pitching dilemma? Even 2-3 innings can affect two days later. It wasn’t clear in the release who would pitch but a bevy of hurlers are on the roster, which includes many from playoff- or pennant-eligible teams, including the Rebels.

It was bantered about in the past that the BRBL enjoyed the year-end Friday night game. It’s difficult to get guys out though it seemed once many teams had been out of contention for a month or more and families enjoyed summer holidays. One has to wonder, in its 15th year, especially with Rosalind coming on board this year, if this annual game is growing tired or must be tweaked in some way.

With rain a slight chance for Tuesday, maybe Harry A. himself will help out the teams and give us all another weekend tilt to end the summer, and enjoy one last glorious nights under the lights, celebrating men’s baseball and the Andreassen legacy that continues to live on.

posted on June 19, 2015 by Jason Buzzell