President pushes back roster due date

Posted June 6, 2016

President pushes back roster due date

League President Craig Neufeld released a memo today outlining the clear trouble teams may have in getting the plethora of make-ups completed. It has his Bardo Athletics looking to kill two birds with one stone this weekend at their home tournament by counting it as a regular season tilt as well.

“If you have an opportunity to make up a game on tournament date than that would be awesome,” he wrote. “(Bardo) and Leduc will doing that on Saturday morning.”

He also reenforced the need to connect with umpire coordinator Rick Bourne about the makeup date. Bourne is worried about being able to get umps as all of the Baseball Alberta assignments have been handed out and the weekends are pretty full.

Neufeld mentioned the possibility of extending the rainout week an additional week.

“What the PBL has done in the past is either gas the All Star game and/or moved it into August.” he said. “Since obviously the season is more important than that game it would allow us an extra league day in our schedule.”

He also noted the roster due date was extended to June 17.

“I think it is fair to extend the roster due date one wee past as we have only played a very small amount of the season.”

Discussion will need to occur on the all star game, which has been turned over to Camrose Roadrunner Bret Keohane after long-time president of the PBL and all-star organizer Larry Lewsaw stepped down and is taking off to retirement.