League statement on July 5 game and general conduct

Posted July 7, 2017

League statement on July 5 game and general conduct

n an unprecedented move in the current climate of social media, the league president and its members have issued statement concerning the game between the Holden Blue Jays and Leduc Milleteers on July 5.

As we are sure everyone is aware of by now, there was an incident between a player on the Holden Blue Jays and a Baseball Alberta accredited umpire on Tuesday July 4 at Fred Johns Park in Leduc.

The incident resulted in the ejection of the player due to an unsatisfactory interaction between him and the umpire as well as numerous social media posts on Twitter about the incident.

The Baseball Alberta umpire scheduler has requested that teams remind their players about a proper code of conduct towards umpires as well as a level of courtesy when it comes to social media posts.

Please remember that the umpires are out to enjoy the game of baseball just like the players are. As with the incident in question there is always the risk of an ejection being detrimental to the success of a team as a result of unacceptable behaviour.

Thank you everyone for your attention in this matter.

Best of luck to everyone in the last couple weeks of the season!