PBL Spring Meeting Moves Online

Posted March 24, 2020

PBL Spring Meeting Moves Online
With the current state of affairs surround gatherings in Alberta, the Powerline Baseball League has decided to hold their annual Spring Meeting online as opposed to in-person. The meeting is still scheduled to run tonight at 7:00pm from the comfort of the homes of the League Executive and team representatives. 
The main discussion point will without a doubt be the Covid-19 pandemic and the next steps for the Powerline Baseball League. Currently Baseball Alberta has announced the shut down of all sanctioned events until the end of April with another review expected towards the middle of April. Baseball Alberta decisions will have an impact on the Powerline Baseball League and the upcoming season. Will the league set guidelines in place for different scenarios and timelines regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, if baseball will start in June, can the PBL operate with a shortened schedule of say 10-12 games as opposed to the 16-18 games it has featured recently? 
The agenda will include:
  • Confirming the participating teams for 2020, including field availability for a draft schedule
  • Reviewing the financial state of the league and setting league fees
  • Confirming the League Executive for 2020 as the league still needs a Vice-President and Treasurer for the upcoming season
  • The potential move of the Holden Blue Jays to Vegreville on a full time basis in 2020
  • The inclusion of end of year league awards
  • The implementation of an expanded PBL rule book/operating manual
There is expected conversation to be had around roster rules, lineup rules, playoff scheduling and forfeits, something that plagued the PBL in 2019 after the folding of the Sherwood Park Athletics in May. All of which would be included in the potential expanded rule book that teams would be provided if that passes. 
The meeting is expected to go at a blistering pace this year. We will hopefully be able to provide a full recap of the meeting later this evening.