Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - March 17 Update

Posted March 17, 2020

Response to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) - March 17 Update

Baseball Alberta has closed their offices and are encouraging member associations to monitor their cash reserves as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to provide uncertainity across the provice, country and globe. Across the province baseball associations have been postponing and cancelling try outs, camps and workouts for their baseball teams as more and more restrictions come into place by Alberta Health Services to try and contain the pandemic. This is the second Covid-19 update that Baseball Alberta has sent out in the last four days with more expected in the future. 

You can read the full Baseball Alberta Covid-19 Update from March 17, 2020 below or by heading to the Baseball Alberta website. We will continue to try and post these updates on the Powerline Baseball League website and on Twitter to help share the messages from Baseball Alberta and Alberta Health Services. 

Effective March 17, 2020, the Baseball Alberta office will be closed to public access.

The Baseball Alberta staff will be working remotely and continue to be available to be contacted by the membership during regular office hours.  The staff will have access to email during this time as well as the ability to be contacted via voice or text at the following numbers: 

Brendan Smith, League Coordinator:  780-975-1401

Ryan Bird, Program Coordinator:  780-975-1401

Tam Rosnau, Operations Coordinator:  780-975-8424

Darren Dekinder, Executive Director:  780-914-6494 

The current COVID-19 outbreak has significantly curtailed businesses across the province and introduced uncertainty into many businesses including ours.   The Baseball Alberta Executive has determined that it is prudent at this time to conserve cash resources and encourages our members to review their respective budgets for opportunities to reduce costs for the 2020 season.  We are reviewing the Baseball Alberta budget to ensure that we remain financially sound and are able to support our members through this difficult time.  We would also announce that one program that we will be suspending for the 2020 season is the 2020 Facility Grant Program.

We want to thank all members who have submitted their team entries for the upcoming AAA season.  We are working on schedules and will be sending out draft schedules for the respective age categories for our coaches to review as soon as we are able. 

We are proceeding with our AA team entry deadline of April 6.  However, we will be extending the AA roster deadline for Initial Roster submission to Tuesday, April 21 at noon to address the fact that most Associations have had their team selection process disrupted by these events.  This deadline may be further extended as this situation evolves.

We are using the best available information that we have today to be able to project a possible start date for the season, but ask all of our members to recognize that the nature of this outbreak is unpredictable and may necessitate changes to the normal start of the season in May. 

Please stay tuned to our website for further updates as they are available.