Baseball Alberta Moves 2021 Season Start Date

Posted April 19, 2021

Baseball Alberta Moves 2021 Season Start Date

Today, Baseball Alberta released a short statement on social media and their website that came caught a lot of people off guard, but wasn't overly surprisging. The start date for leagues of all ages was moved back to the May 15th and 16th weekend in light of recent provincial restrictions put into place. 

You can read the full statement below or on the Baseball Alberta website.

With the current restrictions in place, Baseball Alberta will be moving the start of the 2021 season for all levels of baseball to the May 15th/16th weekend. Although we are moving our start date, Baseball Alberta has no plans to cancel the season. We will look to provide further updates on the status of the 2021 season as quickly as we can. Groups of 10 (including coaches + trainers) may continue to practice while following all AHS guidelines at this time.

This means that the earliest a 2021 Powerline Baseball League season can begin is now May 15th. At this point is seems highly unlikely a regular baseball season will start at this time as Covid-19 case numbers and hospitializations continue to climb. 

Currently no baseball games are allowed with the current restrictions limiting outdoor activity to groups of 10 although multiple groups of 10 can use the same playing surface provided they are 3m apart. It also appears that adult sports, like the PBL teams, can gather in groups of 10 to participate in outdoor practice provided they remain 2m apart. Something that an adult baseball practice is often consistening of anyways for batting practice, an infield/outfield and maybe a bullpen or two. 

You can read all of Baseball Alberta's Return To Baseball updates on their site