2021 PBL Player Survey Results

Posted May 10, 2021

2021 PBL Player Survey Results
We want to start off by saying thank you to the players who took the time to fill out the first Powerline Baseball League Player Survey. It was meant to illicit feedback from the players who make up our fine league while providing fans a better look at who makes up the PBL. 
Since we are going to be another month or so (at the earliest) without baseball, let’s look at what the players had to say about the current state of the PBL, baseball in their communities and what they are/are not willing to tolerate in a return to baseball season with restrictions. 
Player's Age Category:
18-25 years (37.1%)
26-30 years (20.0%)
31-35 years (28.6%)
36-40 years (11.4%)
41-45 years (2.9%)
Do you currently live in the immediate community of your PBL team?
Yes (65.7%)
No (34.3%)
How long do you travel, one way, from your residence to your team's home games?
15 minutes or less (68.6%)
30 minutes (11.4%)
45 minutes (17.1%)
60 mintes (0%)
75 minutes (2.9%)
What year did you start playing in the PBL?
2000 (2.9%)
2002 (14.3%)
2004 (2.9%)
2006 (5.7%)
2007 (2.9%)
2010 (8.6%)
2013 (17.1%)
2014 (8.6%)
2015 (5.7%)
2016 (17.1%)
2017 (5.7%)
2018 (8.6%)
How did you start playing in the PBL?
Friends/Family playing in the league (54.3%)
Recruited through minor baseball association (34.3%)
Team entered the league (11.4%)
Have you ever, or are you currently, playing in another adult baseball league besides the PBL?
No, PBL only (51.4%)
Yes, Battle River Baseball League (28.6%)
Yes, North Central Alberta Baseball League (22.9%)
Yes, Sunburst Baseball League (5.7%)
Yes, Alberta West Central Baseball Association (2.9%)
What minor baseball association did you play in?
Bawlf Minor Baseball
Round Hill Minor Baseball
Camrose Minor Baseball
Holden Minor Ball
Muenster Minor Baseball
Prince Albert Minor Baseball Association
Rosalind Minor Baseball
Ryley Minor Ball
Sherwood Park Minor Baseball Association
Tofield Minor Ball
Vegreville Minor Baseball
Viking Minor Ball
What is the highest level of minor baseball you played in your local association?
Community League / House League (20%)
Rural / Rep A (8.6%)
Rep AA (54.3%)
Rep AAA (17.1%)
What is the highest level of baseball you played?
Local minor baseball association only (82.9%)
Baseball Academy (11.4%)
JUCO / NAIA (2.9%)
NCAA Div 1 / 2 / 3 (0%)
National / International (2.9%)
In the current community you live in, do you feel that the local minor baseball association is successful in promoting the game of baseball?
Yes (54.3%)
No (22.9%)
Unsure (22.9%)
What community do you think the PBL could reasonably expand to in the near future? 
Ardrossan (7 votes)
Beaumont (22 votes)
Fort Saskatchewan (15 votes)
Leduc (14 votes)
North East Edmonton (4 votes)
Sherwood Park (16 votes)
None (4 votes)
Other/Comment - We should expand whenever any team wants in. The more teams the better and the better chance baseball can survive. Travel shouldn't be much of an issue, some of us Blue Jays were travelling an hour just to play home games back in the day in Holden.
Would you be in favour of the PBL expanding game days from primarily Tuesday/Thursday nights (still playing 2x/week), to other WEEKDAY NIGHTS more regularly?
Yes (48.6%)
No (25.7%)
Unsure (25.7%)
Would you be in favour of the PBL expanding game days from primarily Tuesday/Thursday nights (still playing 2x/week), to include WEEKEND NIGHTS more regularly?
Yes (74.3%)
No (14.3%)
Unsure (11.4%)
Would you be in favour of having to play one or two double headers on a Sunday afternoon/evening to reduce weekday travel?
Yes (62.9%)
No (11.4%)
Maybe (25.7%)
Would you be in favour of the PBL putting together an All-Star team to play in Senior AA Provincials?
Yes (85.7%)
No (2.9%)
Maybe (11.4%)
When do you think the annual PBL vs BRBL Harry Andreassen All-Star Challenge game should happen?
Weeknight, halfway through season (2.9%)
Weekend, halfway through season (32.4%)
Weeknight, after the regular season (0%)
Weekend, after the regular season (23.5%)
Weeknight, after the playoffs (8.8%)
Weekend, after the playoffs (26.5%)
Anytime after playoffs (5.9%)
Are you satisfied with the overall organization of the PBL?
Yes (91.4%)
No (0%)
Unsure (8.6%)
Are you satisfied with the overall communication from the PBL to teams and your community?
Yes (85.8%)
No (2.9%)
Unsure (8.6%)
Other/Comment -  I know that we can do better, but it will take the young guys making it a priority. 
Are you satisfied with the quality of umpiring in the PBL?
Yes (80%)
No (0%)
Unsure (20%)
Are you satisfied with Baseball Alberta's promotion and support of the PBL?
Yes (28.6%)
No (48.7%)
Unsure (22.9%)
Baseball Alberta is terrible and gives nothing back. The only reason to have any involvement with them is for umpires. 
I think Baseball Alberta is terrible at promoting men's baseball. 
Baseball AB promotes the PBL??
With the likelihood that the season will not be starting in early May, as is historically done, what is the latest you would be willing to see a PBL season start before deciding to not play in 2021?
Mid May (0%)
Beginning of June (37.1%)
Mid June (25.7%)
Beginning of July (22.9%)
Mid July (11.4%)
Other/Comment - Retiring either way, kids are busy in ball now. 
How late is too late for the PBL regular season to end (prior to playoffs beginning) before you would consider not playing in 2021?
First week of July - traditionally scheduled to end here (2.9%)
Mid July (40%)
Beginning of August (20%)
Mid August (34.3%)
Other/Comment - I'd player whenever
Would you be willing to play a PBL season if baseball rules were modified to meet provincial Covid-19 guidelines? (Ex: Umpire from behind the mound, commitment lines on all the bases, no tags from 2020)
Yes (34.3%)
No (54.3%)
Maybe (11.4%)
Would you be willing to play a PBL season where the league would be broken up into two divisions of three teams (cohorts), only playing against two other teams before taking a two week break in order to head into playoffs (pool cross over of 1v2 before Championship series)?
Yes (88.6%)
No (2.9%)
Maybe (8.6%)
Do you have interest in starting the baseball season in a practice only (no games) group of 10 players, who are socially distanced, as currently outlined in the provincial guidelines? 
Yes (41.2%)
No (44.1%)
Maybe (14.7%)
Would you be willing to participate in contact tracing and daily health check questionnaires with your team should provincial guidelines call for it?
Yes (97.1%)
No (2.9%)
Which PBL team has the nicest uniforms?
Vegreville Blue Jays (34.3%)
Rosalind Athletics (22.9%)
Tofield Braves (20%)
Camrose Axemen (14.3%)
Armena Royals (8.6%)
All other teams were at 0%
What is your favourite PBL baseball field, as a visiting player?
Anniversary Park (20%)
Harry Andreassen Field (48.6%)
Empire Park (8.6%)
Recreation Grounds - The Homer Dome (8.6%)
Tofield Sports Grounds (14.3%)
Riverview Ball Diamond (0%)
Which PBL baseball field has the best infield?
Anniversary Park (5.7%)
Harry Andreassen Field (48.6%)
Empire Park (2.9%)
Recreation Grounds - The Homer Dome (31.4%)
Tofield Sports Grounds (8.6%)
Riverview Ball Diamond (2.9%)
Which PBL baseball field has the best outfield? 
Anniversary Park (8.6%)
Harry Andreassen Field (65.7%)
Empire Park (8.6%)
Recreation Grounds - The Homer Dome (5.7%)
Tofield Sports Grounds (8.6%)
Riverview Ball Diamond (2.9%)
Which PBL baseball field has the best dugouts?
Anniversary Park (5.7%)
Harry Andreassen Field (22.9%)
Empire Park (5.7%)
Recreation Grounds - The Homer Dome (5.7%)
Tofield Sports Grounds (57.1%)
Riverview Ball Diamond (5.7%)
Who is the toughest pitcher to hit against in the PBL?
Kyle Muzechka - Vegreville Blue Jays (48.6%)
Jon Anstey - Leduc Milleteers (17.1%)
Corey Epp - Tofield Braves (17.1%)
Griffin Lorenz - Rosalind Athletics (8.6%)
Ty Twitchell - Camrose Axemen (5.7%)
Ian Sherbaniuk - Armena Royals (2.9%)
Who is the best hitter in the PBL?
Dylan Solberg - Tofield Braves (29.5%)
Zak Lang - Vegreville Blue Jays (22.7%)
Luke Ryan - Armena Royals (15.9%)
Doug Morris - Armena Royals (11.4%)
Zach Willms - Camrose Axemen (6.8%)
Kobe Charchun - Rosalind Athletics (4.5%)
Yan Rodriguez Morales - Edmonton Expos (2.3%)
Craig Neufeld - Tofield Braves (2.3%)
Grayson Soprovich - Vegreville Blue Jays (2.3%)
Brady Ryan - Camrose Axemen (2.3%)
Who is the best catcher in the PBL?
Steve Hrabec - Vegreville Blue Jays (32.4%)
Sheldon Pederson - Rosalind Athletics (32.4%)
Chad Nelson - Tofield Braves (10.8%)
Dylan Berrecloth - Tofield Braves (8.1%)
Sheldon Petryshyn - Armena Royals (8.1%)
Zach Willms - Camrose Axemen (5.4%)
Colton Craig - Camrose Roadrunners (2.7%)
Who is the best fielder in the PBL?
Zenan Sherbaniuk - Armena Royals (20%)
Adam Enright - Rosalind Athletics (13.3%)
Dylan Solberg - Tofield Braves (13.3%)
Grayson Soprovich - Vegreville Blue Jays (13.3%)
Dylan Berrecloth - Tofield Braves (10%)
Del Kruk - Leduc Milleteers (10%)
Zak Lang - Vegreville Blue Jays (6.7%)
Sheldon Pederson - Rosalind Athletics (6.7%)
Brendan Erick - Camrose Axemen (3.3%)
Chase Parsons - Camrose Axemen (3.3%)
Colton Ziegler - Vegreville Blue Jays (3.3%)
Randall Ziegler - Vegreville Blue Jays (3.3%)
Lance Zimmer - Camrose Roadrunners (3.3%)
The survey also yielded a lot of feedback and suggestions from players in the league regarding the following two survey questions:
  • What do you feel the PBL needs to do to stay viable both in the short term and long term?
  • What do you think the PBL Executive can do, and should be doing, to build relationships with local minor baseball associations in order to be more visible in the baseball community?

This information will be complied and sent to the PBL Executive, along with the other results of the survey, so that it can be used to help continue the growth of the Powerline Baseball League both now and for years to come.