Port Orange Pop Warner

Established in 1989, the Port Orange Youth Football Association (POYFA) offers Pop Warner football and cheer to the Port Orange area students ages 6-15. There are 6 levels that kids participant in, Tiny Mite, Mitey Mite, Junior Pee Wee, Pee Wee, Junior Midgets and Midgets. For more information about the different levels, please refer to the Age/Weight Chart under the tab labeled handouts.

Port Orange Youth Football Association belongs to the East Coast Conference (ECC). As such, we follow their rules and guidelines. One of the areas they govern deals with the boundaries of each association. In general, if a student is zoned to attend Spruce Creek High School, then they will be zoned to play for Port Orange Pop Warner; however, the boundaries do extend into some area where students may attend Atlantic High School so please contact us for eligibility information.

Port Orange Hawks is one of 13 associations in the East Coast Conference. During the football season we play our home games at Spruce Creek High School. Our travel requirements vary depending upon the schedule. Cheerleading competition commences after the regular season of football with the first event being the East Coast Conference Championship. Full schedule details will be posted as these become available.

Port Orange Pop Warner is a 100% volunteer run organization. Everyone involved including the board, coaches, team moms and all others give freely of their time and they do not receive any compensation or special consideration for their efforts. Volunteers are the lifeblood of the organization and we are always looking for people to lend a hand. If you are interested in helping please see a current board member.




Countdown to
First Day of Fall Practice

(Aug 1, 2021 @ 12:00am)


  • Its a great day to be a HAWK!!


2nd January, 2025
Wind: miles/hour