Our mission is to transform the lives of those working in corporate America.   We want your employees to be well!!  This will reduce future benefit costs while increasing your company's productivity and decreasing lost work days.  Take a proactive approach to wellness; prevention is the best way to manage health.

All of our programs are customized for each individual and organization.  We know you - we are you - we have over10 years of combined expertise in the fitness, nutrition and wellness industry.

We have a passion for wellness and are dedicated to educating and motivating our clients to transform their lives.  We bring a vast knowledge base to health fairs, charity functions and other events and deliver quality programs with extraordinary professionalism and outrageous fun.


Why should your company implement a Corporate Wellness Program? 
The reasons are endless:

* The average employee spends 47 hours at work per week, not including their daily commute.

* Over 1/2 of your employees have poor nutrition, are not exercising, have high stress levels and high cholesterol.

* Physically inactive employees are absent 118% more than active employees.  Coors Brewing Company experienced a remarkable 18% decrease in employee absenteeism after implementing a corporate wellness program.

* Employees who do not exercise are 50% less productive during the last 2 hours of every workday compared to active employees

* 26% of workers reported they were frequently or very frequently burned out or stressed by their work

* Unhealthy employees have higher health care costs than healthy employees

* Health care costs are skyrocketing and employers are paying the price.  After implementing a fitness component into their corporate wellness program, Coca-Cola was able to save $500 per employee every year.

* Preventable, chronic diseases drive 75% of healthcare spending, of which 95% is spent on managing current cases of disease

* Only 5% of healthcare spending is focused on preventing chronic diseases, which are now an epidemic

* In 2000, private business expense for health services as a percentage of profit was 58% after tax

* Companies with corporate wellness programs have experienced an average savings of $700 per employee per year with a return on investment upwards of 755% in reduced healthcare costs and higher productivity

* Companies that actively promote wellness programs are seen to be top performers in their sector

* Research by the World Economic Forum has shown that 64% of employees that have a favorable view of their company's health and wellness program plan to stay with the company for at least 5 years

* Over a full decade Johnson & Johnson has realized a $250 million savings on health care costs with a return of $2.71 for every dollar spent on corporate wellness.  






Our health and fitness assessments give you an accurate picture of where you are, where you should be and how to reach your ultimate healthy goals: weight loss, decreased BMI, more fit, faster and stronger.  We also identify how many calories you need to consume to get there safely as well as the duration of type of activity you should be doing to reach your goals.

Caliper Measurements
� Provides your Body Mass Index (BMI) - measure of body fat based on height and weight

Waist to Height Ratio  Alternative assessment to BMI using a percentage of waist circumference to height

Total Body Circumference Measurements We measure several body areas as a useful tool to track your physical progress. 

Heart Rate Ranges  Provides you with functional heart rate target zones based on your resting heart rate.

Cardio-Respiratory and Endurance Assessment
 provides insight to your level of aerobic fitness and lung capacity

Flexibility Testing  assesses your current level of flexibility in several areas of the body

Muscular Strength Assessment  identifies your current level of upper body, lower body and core strength, including maximum weight and muscular endurance

Functional Movement Assessment  identifies imbalances in mobility and stability during fundamental movement patterns

All plans include analysis of results and a map to help you reach your goals based on the assessment provided.  Group rates available. Call for pricing:
                BMI and Measurements
                BMI, Measurements, 2 fitness assessments of your choice
                Full Assessment (all tests listed above)




 EMPLOYEE HEALTH FAIR  attended health fairs that corral employees through a sea of tables with a sales pitch to join the daunting big box gym.  This style provides little education for the employee and offers no benefit for the employer. 

We provide an interactive health fair experience with programs designed to educate your workforce about the impact and importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. 

We offer a variety seminars and workshops on various topics
* 30 Day Habit Changer; How To Eat;  Strong and Healthy You, and many more.  See our Seminars and Workshops  page for a complete list. 

We bring an assortment of exercise equipment for employees to try:                   
* Kettlebells, Wobble cushions, Exercise bands, Gliding Discs, and more

We perform various physical and fitness assessments:
* BMI or waist to height ratio; Tape Measurements; Weight; Weight to Height ratio
* Flexibility tests:  sit and reach, shoulder reach, groin flexibility, or trunk rotation
* Strength Maximums:  Upper body, lower body, and core
* Cardio capacity/Aerobic fitness: 3 minute step test, one mile walk test

We conduct onsite fitness demonstrations:
* We incorporate something for everyone who participates: Strength training, Cardiovascular conditioning and Flexibility training
* Sessions can be one full hour; Two-30 minute sessions or Four-15 minute sessions

We utilize numerous visual aids:
* Healthy plate; Food serving sizes (deck of cards to represent servings of meat, a  tennis ball to show one cup servings, dice to show a one or two ounce serving, and more)
* Nutrition Labels; real food boxes to show good and bad products; myths and truths on food labeling
* One pound model of fat




Providing guidance and instructions of  yoga, fitness therapy and weight management Achieve good health, wholesome eating habits, positive weight loss and over all Physical and Spiritual well being

                             SERVICE MISSION


Service Mission includes building a healthier community, providing wellness programs to the corporate business and the neighborhood as well as the facility.  Membership which includes access to certified and degreed fitness specialist located in the Valencia Park Executive Offices offer classes designed to enhance self awareness while increasing your physical strength and endurance.


 Classes provide you with the following

 Way to identify stress signals and indicators

Posture improvement for tension management

Strength building for greater resistance to stress

Techniques for the work place designed to alleviate tension before it builds true stress

Safe exercise that bring more energy to the body

Breathing techniques that support healthy mood management

 To begin to study yoga is to begin a journey into seeing awareness, balance and love.

 Our hope is that as you walk through the doors of the wellness center you will sense an environment of non- competitive and fill tranquility.





Classes will include:

- Exercise and stretching (asanas)
- Breathing exercises (pranayama)
- Relaxation
- Concentration and meditation
- Mindfulness
- Diet and lifestyle
- Self-awareness and introspection
- Positive thinking






After a consultation with your Human Resources Department we can customize a specific plan to meet the needs of your company. Your classes can be general or focused on back care, computer use, stress reduction or focus.

- Morning, lunchtime or after work classes are available.
- Our instructors will come to your facility. We will need a large room.

In addition to ongoing classes, we offer workshops and retreats and convention workshops and speakers.

- Series typically run for 12 weeks.
- 1 2 classes a week depending on your needs.
- Most employees are happy to contribute some toward the classes.

Your employees will need:

- A yoga mat and towel
- Wear comfortable clothing for exercise
- All levels are welcome
- No past experience necessary

Please call our offices for an appointment at 910-353-6350 and ask for Verna.





Image result for Dance Word Clip Art Black and White


 We offer creative dance members the opportunity to participate and perform creative dance moves for the cause to supporting the    Ida Mae Center CANCER WELLNESS.                          

PLEASE BE ON TIME: It is important for you to participate in the needed warm-up exercises. If you will be arriving late, please enter the room quietly and position yourself. Take a moment to stretch lightly, especially warming up your neck, back and ankles.

CLASS BENEFIT: To get the most benefit from dance classes: A. Eat a nutritious meal 1 ½ to 2 hours before a class.  This gives you time to digest your food. B. Drink plenty of water before, during and after stretching and dancing. C. Set aside at least 30 minutes 3 x a week to review the basic isolations and stretch afterward.

CLASS NOTES: Notes are given to students make sure you get the note when given. Please save notes and arrange in a notebook.

SUGGESTED ATTIRE & YOUR DANCE BAG: Wear informal, comfortable clothes you can move and stretch in such as tights and leotards, leggings and midriff tops, sweats, and Gypsy style broomstick skirts. It is not necessary to bare you midriff; a hip scarf worn straight across the hips is a good tool to help you see if you are doing movements correctly.  Ballet slippers or other dance shoes will help protect your feet and make dancing easier and more graceful.

INJURY OR PAIN: Please notify me of any previous injuries, accidents or health issues before or after class (but not during, I won’t be able to properly respond).

CLASS MUSIC: Music used in class is provided by the teacher. If you wish to perform to the music in any venue, you need to purchase an original copy of artist’s music. If you hear other music that you like that we don’t use specifically for choreography or tribal performances, I can provide you with contact information to purchase it.

1. Conduct yourself as you would in any classroom setting. Questions pertaining to the material being taught are welcome - please ask! Questions not pertaining to class material should be e-mailed to cwyoga@earthlink.net or asked at a different time. If you do not agree with something that I am doing or requesting in class, please talk with me about this before or after class and not in class. Joking and laughing are encouraged – the class is supposed to be fun!

2. Please resist the urge to answer other student's questions. Your approach or answer may be different from the point the instructor is trying to make.

3. Dance movement names are called by the dance teacher so another teacher may call 'it' something else. If you feel a need to help someone understand a move in another way, please offer your help at another time - not class time.

4. Please use the restroom or get a drink of water at any time.

6. Cell phones should be turned off while in the classroom. Please make any needed calls outside the classroom.

7. Please try not to chew gum while in class.

8. Please understand that there will be times in class when we will be reviewing material you may already have been taught. You may not always like the ‘topics’ or format being taught. Please keep your opinions about your dislikes to yourself during class time and discuss them in private with me if you need to. If you are attending a class that is at a lower level than what you normally take, please resist the urge to improvise and do movements that are more advanced and not what I am currently teaching, as I find it distracts me and the other students in class. Keep in mind that reviewing the basics is a very good idea, good for your technique and your body!

9. Understand that most everyone is attending class at least partly for stress relief, so positive attitudes help!

10. The studio cannot accommodate children, husband, boyfriends and/or pets.

11. Please remove your street shoes before entering the dance room.


12. Please take your empty water bottles home – this cut down on clean-up.

Creative Dance limit is 20 students. We invite girl’s ages 5-15 yrs.


Financial Obligation

Monthly fee $30.00 per student dues  are to be paid by the 1st or of each month.

Free to all Miss Glitter Pageant Contestants.

Creative dances





Creative ballet moves

Hip hop


Exercise for creative dance

Flex Flow


Smooth Moves


Schedule classes


Regular class sessions are Saturday @ 1130 Am classes are 1 hour, so please arrive on time.



What to wear

Dancer must wear dance wear clothing, such as leotard, tights, dance skirt, dance pants etc. no bare legs allowed. Basic leotards, tights are best.

Light Pink and Black



Performance Costumes

Parents are responsible for paying for all costumes, your monthly fees does not include payment on costumes.


Classes will be instructed by Verna Richardson and other guest instructors.



Creative dance students are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, work hard and most of all have fun.


Parent will agree to support their child and the IDA MAE CENTER INC.


Learn all dance skills

Center strength and control



Musicality, rhythmic accuracy

Ability to pick up combination quickly





Thank You!

Verna Richardson





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