Single Season Hitting (Current as of 2019)

Batting Average (Minimum 100 PA) -   .467   Greg Wallace (2015)

Hits -   70   Matt Beaudry (2009)

Doubles -    16   Lance Romanchuk (2016)

Triples -    6   Ben Herman (2008)

Homeruns -   10   Lance Romanchuk (2008)

Stolen Bases -   34   Rejean Bourget (2018)

RBI -   60   Lance Romanchuk (2009)

OPS (Minimum 100 PA) -   1.263   Lance Romanchuk (2013)

Hit By Pitches -  16   Andy Herman (2008)


Single Season Pitching (Current as of 2019)

Wins -   9   Cory Kokotailo (2008)

Saves -   6   James Fischer (2013)

Innings Pitched -   74 1/3   Adam PauLencu (2017)

Strikeouts -   81   Adam PauLencu (2017)

ERA (Minimum 30 IP) -   0.98   John Stempfle (2008)

WHIP (Minimum 30 IP) -   0.74   Scott Koughan (2006)


Career Hitting (Current as of 2019)

Batting Average (Minimum 350 PA) -   .389   Lance Romanchuk

Hits -   433   Lance Romanchuk

Doubles -    99   Lance Romanchuk

Triples -    15   Andy Herman

Homeruns -   50   Lance Romanchuk

Stolen Bases -   108   Andy Herman

RBI -   373   Lance Romanchuk

OPS (Minimum 350 PA) -   1.081   Lance Romanchuk

Hit By Pitches - 88   Andy Herman


Career Pitching (Current as of 2019)

Wins -   47   Karnie Vertz and James Fischer

Saves -   34   James Fischer

Innings Pitched -   519.99   James Fischer

Strikeouts -   550   James Fischer

ERA (Minimum 150 IP) -   2.38  Adam PauLencu

WHIP (Minimum 150 IP)  -   1.08   Scott Koughan


Countdown to
2018 Season Opener

(May 22, 2019 @ 7:30pm)

WOOT WOOT. It's here!

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