
Login for Game Attendance
Date  Location Visitor Home Result (Record) Watch Live
Jun 8/14 10:00am Minoru Park BallCharts Cubs - -
Jun 14/14 11:00am Steveston BallCharts 4 Jacobsville 2 W (1 - 0) -
Jul 31/14 3:00pm Steveston BallCharts 1 Cubs 0 W (2 - 0) -
Aug 6/14 12:00pm Minoru Park Dodgers 0 BallCharts 0 T (2 - 0 - 1) -
Aug 7/14 1:00pm Safeco Field Reds BallCharts - -
Aug 8/14 2:00pm Dodger Stadium BallCharts 4 Rangers 0 W (3 - 0 - 1) -
Aug 8/14 3:00pm Some Field BallCharts 0 Rangers 1 L (3 - 1 - 1) -
Aug 31/14 3:30pm zxvczxc BallCharts Jacobsville - -
Oct 28/14 5:30pm test BallCharts Cubs - -
Nov 9/14 6:30pm Some Field Dodgers BallCharts - -
Nov 10/14 7:00pm Dodger Stadium BallCharts Rangers - -
Nov 24/14 8:00pm Dodger Stadium BallCharts Rangers - -
Dec 31/14 9:00pm Gordon Park Jacobsville 0 BallCharts 0 T (3 - 1 - 2) -
Feb 15/15 10:00pm Dodger Stadium Reds 12 BallCharts 3 L (3 - 2 - 2) -
Apr 6/15 5:30pm Some Field BallCharts Delta - -
Apr 7/15 5:30pm test test test - -
Apr 8/17 5:30pm da f a dfadf a dfaf - -
Oct 12/23 12:24am - BallCharts 1 Jacobsville 0 W (4 - 2 - 2) -
Dec 13/23 12:24am - BallCharts Delta - -
Dec 14/23 12:24am test BallCharts Delta - -
Jan 15/24 1:05pm Camden Yards Harrisburg BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 3) -
Jan 16/24 1:20pm Dodger Stadium Test BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 4) -
Jan 18/24 10:10pm Coors Field Fhhh BallCharts - -
Jan 20/24 3:25pm Blundell Field Fhhhj BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 5) -
Jan 22/24 3:20pm Blundell Field Dhhh BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 6) -
Jan 23/24 1:05pm Fenway Park Sox BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 7) -
Jan 24/24 10:20am Blundell Field Fhjjj BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 8) -
Jan 25/24 9:20pm Blundell Field Dining BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 9) -
Jan 26/24 3:15pm Blundell Field Fghh BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 10) -
Jan 28/24 1:00pm Coors Field Rockies BallCharts T (4 - 2 - 11) -
Feb 6/24 7:00pm Some Field Jacobsville 3 BallCharts 2 L (4 - 3 - 11) -
Feb 7/24 5:25pm Dodger Stadium BallCharts Jacobsville - -
Feb 8/24 7:00pm Blundell Field Rangers Ballcharts - -
Feb 9/24 7:00pm Some Field Delta 1 BallCharts 0 L (4 - 4 - 11) -
Feb 10/24 1:00pm Blundell Field BallCharts Chico T (4 - 4 - 12) -
Feb 10/24 1:00pm Camden Yards BallCharts Orioles T (4 - 4 - 13) -
Apr 7/24 12:40pm Blundell Field Ridge Meadows BallCharts T (4 - 4 - 14) -
Apr 8/24 12:45pm Blundell Field Ridge BallCharts T (4 - 4 - 15) -
Apr 9/24 12:50pm Blundell Field Delta BallCharts T (4 - 4 - 16) -
= Stats have been entered for this game

Testing another news item

December 08, 2023   read more

Testing news

December 08, 2023   read more

BallCharts Athletics win big

July 27, 2009   read more

Tough loss for Athletics

July 25, 2009   read more

John Doe throws no-hitter

July 23, 2009   read more

Athletics look to compete at upcoming tournament

July 20, 2009   read more
pitching - a fastball
3 ubc guys
test 2021
test 2
test 2021
test 2
test 2
rounding base - yes he" is's
  • Welcome to the new home of the BallCharts Athletics Sample Team
  • ajjd fjasdjf ajsdflj jd fasjdf lasd
  • Some other stuff akjsdhfkjahsdfk kahd fa hdfkah dkfhakshdfkajhdkfljhakjdf shaskjf hakdhfkja asdhfkahf k adkjfhakhdf kad fka dfaskjdh fkahd ahsdkjh akdsh fajk kjdshfk asdhfkajshdf sdf ak sdhfkadhsf
  • dfasdf asdf s as
  • hk akdfhakdshfkhadkh ahfk kd jhad hkah dfkahdfhadfh kad dh fkahd 3434 123 4h1 k4k1h 341 3412342341 k3j1234 12 34k1jh 341k4 3h1k2jh34 k1jh234kh1k2h 31343413434242342347777 77777 7 7 7 7 7 7 77 7 7 7

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Recent Results
Tue Apr 9/24 12:50pm: (2014 iscore)
Mon Apr 8/24 12:45pm: (2014 iscore)
Upcoming Games

There are no upcoming games to display.

Player of the year (Nov 4/14)

Adam Arson

Adam had some solid games at the plate as well as on the mound to help the BallCharts Athletics to a couple of timely wins.

This year Hitting


This year Pitching


Richmond Weather

27th July, 2024
Few Clouds
Wind: 5.75 miles/hour

Countdown to
The weekend

(Oct 28, 2023 @ 11:59pm)

Woot Woot. It's here to stay. Time to party!!!