Pledges are due by June 25th. Please return to your team parent. 


Please see the Handouts Section to the left for additional forms: Pledge Form, Parent Letter, Thank You Letter and Tax Deduction Form.

   The 2017 Hit-A-Thon is scheduled for Saturday, June 3rd at 3pm at Joecks Field. The Hit-A-Thon is similar to a walkathon in that each player solicits sponsors who pledge to make a tax-deductible donation to Lannon Stonemen.  The funds raised will be used to enhance and maintain the fields along with keeping our fees at a low cost to our families.


1.    Each player will get 10 hits to be recorded.

2.    The TOP 6 hits will be added together for the total distance.

3.    “Strikes” (foul ball and/or swing/miss) will be tallied per player. Every 3rd strike will count as one of the 10 hits. 

4.    Distance recorded is where the ball stops forward motion, not where it drops.

5.    The fields will be flagged every 10 ft. ROUND UP if the ball lands in between 2 flags.

6.    Balls hit over the fence will be automatically recorded as 400 ft .

7.    Coaches will use their own discretion on calling a strike if a player is continually not swinging at good pitches. 

8.    The Field Manager will record all the players hits and total distance on the team form and will return the form to the results table when finished.

9.    Results will be posted at the Results Table. Pledge sheet can then be updated with that players “Total Hit Distance” and documented on their pledge sheet.

10. “Top Hitter” will be announced and given prize at that time.

11. Turn pledge money into designated Team Parent by June 25th. 


   Prizes will be awarded to:

  1. Top hitter from each team ($25 Burghardts Gift Card and T-shirt)

  2. Top fundraising team (Brewer's Suite for the whole team)

  3. Top individual fundraiser from each team ($15 Burghardts Gift Card)






New Lannon Stonemen Website

November 05, 2017   read more

2018 Player Registration Now Open

October 08, 2017   read more

October Board Meeting!

September 02, 2017   read more

Parents / Guardians Survey Released

June 05, 2017   read more

U11 Blue First Place!

June 07, 2017   read more

U10 Blue First Place!

June 07, 2017   read more
  • Welcome to the Home Of Lannon Stonemen Youth Baseball
  • All Out, All Game, All Season
  • Batter Up!
  • Go Stonemen!!
  • It’s about playing catch and throwing strikes

Countdown to
Winter Practices

(Dec 1, 2017 @ 5:30pm)



Number of visits to the site:



Lannon Weather

19th February, 2025
Clear Sky
Wind: 11.5 miles/hour