Corporating Wellness provides guidance and instructions of Flow Flex , Fiitness, Weight Release, and Dance to achieve good health wholesome eating habits, positive and spiritual well being.

We provide wellness programs to the corporate business in our community.
Non-membership, which includes access to certified and degreed fitness specialist, located in the 825 Gum Branch Offices, offering classes designed to enhance self awareness while increasing your physical
strength and endurance.



Corporating Wellness Group rate    


  $55.00 MO.








    $45.00 MO.









$75.00 6 WEEKS





    $30.00 MO.



      $200.00 8 WEEK











       $50 WEEKLY




       $10.00 PER CLASS




Corporating Wellness Group rate





   We want your employees to be well!!  This will reduce future benefit costs while increasing your company’s productivity and decreasing lost work days.  Take a proactive approach to wellness; prevention is the best way to manage health.

All of our programs are customized for each individual and organization.  We have over 30 years of combined expertise in the fitness, nutrition and wellness industry.

We have a passion for wellness and are dedicated to educating and motivating our clients to transform their lives.  We bring a vast knowledge base to health fairs, charity functions and other events and deliver quality programs with extraordinary professionalism and outrageous fun.


Why should your company implement a Corporating Wellness Program? 
The reasons are endless:

* The average employee spends 47 hours at work per week, not including their daily commute.

* Over 1/2 of your employees have poor nutrition, are not exercising, have high stress levels and high cholesterol.

* Physically inactive employees are absent 118% more than active employees.  Coors Brewing Company experienced a remarkable 18% decrease in employee absenteeism after implementing a corporate wellness program.

* Employees who do not exercise are 50% less productive during the last 2 hours of every workday compared to active employees

* 26% of workers reported they were frequently or very frequently burned out or stressed by their work

* Unhealthy employees have higher health care costs than healthy employees

* Health care costs are skyrocketing and employers are paying the price.  After implementing a fitness component into their corporate wellness program, Coca-Cola was able to save $500 per employee every year.

* Preventable, chronic diseases drive 75% of healthcare spending, of which 95% is spent on managing current cases of disease

* Only 5% of healthcare spending is focused on preventing chronic diseases, which are now an epidemic

* In 2000, private business expense for health services as a percentage of profit was 58% after tax

* Companies with corporate wellness programs have experienced an average savings of $700 per employee per year with a return on investment upwards of 755% in reduced healthcare costs and higher productivity

* Companies that actively promote wellness programs are seen to be top performers in their sector

* Research by the World Economic Forum has shown that 64% of employees that have a favorable view of their company's health and wellness program plan to stay with the company for at least 5 years

* Over a full decade Johnson & Johnson has realized a $250 million savings on health care costs with a return of $2.71 for every dollar spent on corporate wellness.  






Our health and fitness assessments give you an accurate picture of where you are, where you should be and how to reach your ultimate healthy goals: weight loss, decreased BMI, more fit, faster and stronger.  We also identify how many calories you need to consume to get there safely as well as the duration of type of activity you should be doing to reach your goals.

Caliper Measurements – Provides your Body Mass Index (BMI) - measure of body fat based on height and weight

Waist to Height Ratio – Alternative assessment to BMI using a percentage of waist circumference to height

Total Body Circumference Measurements – We measure several body areas as a useful tool to track your physical progress. 

Heart Rate Ranges – Provides you with functional heart rate target zones based on your resting heart rate.

Cardio-Respiratory and Endurance Assessment –provides insight to your level of aerobic fitness and lung capacity

Flexibility Testing – assesses your current level of flexibility in several areas of the body

Muscular Strength Assessment – identifies your current level of upper body, lower body and core strength, including maximum weight and muscular endurance 

Functional Movement Assessment – identifies imbalances in mobility and stability during fundamental movement patterns

All plans include analysis of results and a map to help you reach your goals based on the assessment provided.  Group rates available. Call for pricing:
                BMI and Measurements
                BMI, Measurements, 2 fitness assessments of your choice
                Full Assessment (all tests listed above)





 EMPLOYEE HEALTH FAIR  attended health fairs that corral employees through a sea of tables with a sales pitch to join the daunting big box gym.  This style provides little education for the employee and offers no benefit for the employer. 

We provide an interactive health fair experience with programs designed to educate your workforce about the impact and importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.    

We will be offering variety of workshops on various topics
* 30 Day Habit Changer; How To Eat;  Strong and Healthy You, and many more.  See our “Workshops “ page for a complete list. 

We bring an assortment of exercise equipment for employees to try:                   
* Kettlebells, Wobble cushions, Exercise bands, Gliding Discs, and more

We perform various physical and fitness assessments:
* BMI or waist to height ratio; Tape Measurements; Weight; Weight to Height ratio
* Flexibility tests:  sit and reach, shoulder reach, groin flexibility, or trunk rotation
* Strength Maximums:  Upper body, lower body, and core
* Cardio capacity/Aerobic fitness: 3 minute step test, one mile walk test

We can conduct onsite fitness demonstrations:
* We incorporate something for everyone who participates: Strength training, Cardiovascular conditioning and Flexibility training
* Sessions can be one full hour; Two-30 minute sessions or Four-15 minute sessions

We utilize numerous visual aids:
* Healthy plate; Food serving sizes (deck of cards to represent servings of meat, a  tennis ball to show one cup servings, dice to show a one or two ounce serving, and more)
* Nutrition Labels; real food boxes to show good and bad products; myths and truths on food labeling
* One pound model of fat
We supply employees with fantastic information and free goodies!





  Providing guidance and instructions of fitness therapy and weight management  to achieve good health, wholesome eating habits, positive weight release and over all Physical and Spiritual well being

                             SERVICE MISSION


Service Mission includes building a healthier community, providing wellness programs to the corporate business and the neighborhood as well as the facility.  Membership which includes access to certified and degreed fitness specialist located in the 825 Gum Branch Rd #127 offer classes designed to enhance self awareness while increasing your physical strength and endurance.


 Classes provide you with the following

 Way to identify stress signals and indicators

Posture improvement for tension management

Strength building for greater resistance to stress

Techniques for the work place designed to alleviate tension before it builds true stress

Safe exercise that bring more energy to the body

Breathing techniques that support healthy mood management

 To begin to study yoga is to begin a journey into seeing awareness, balance and love.

 Our hope is that as you walk through the doors of the wellness center you will sense an environment of non- competitive and fill tranquility.

  Who use or has used Corporate Flow Flex

 Many organization have incorporated yoga into their stress reductor and company wellness programs







 The White House

 Us Marines

Hospital wellness center

 Employee health programs reduce operating costs and increase productivity.

Goals for Employee Health Programs


Employee health programs reduce operating costs and increase productivity.


Employee health programs, also known as wellness programs, provide a wide variety of demonstrable benefits for small businesses. In addition to decreasing expenses such as healthcare costs, wellness programs can increase productivity and morale. You don’t need to be a multi-million-dollar corporation with hundreds of employees to benefit from helping your employees stay healthy.


Employee Health Programs

Wellness programs aim to prevent behaviors that lead to problems, rather than simply providing treatment after health issues arise. An employee health program can include educational materials or lectures on diet, exercise, weight management and prenatal care. Providing healthy snacks, adequate breaks and vacations, a fitness center or subsidized gym memberships and one-on-one counseling can help you reduce health issues that can affect your workers’ performance.

Decrease Absenteeism

Healthy employees miss fewer days of work. From a simple cold or flu to more serious health issues such as alcoholism or cancer, illness keeps workers off the job. American workers miss more than 100 million workdays each year just from lower back pain, according to the Wellness Council of America. Educating employees and offering incentives for healthy behavior can pay for themselves through improved worker attendance.

Lower Health Care and Insurance Costs

Businesses with lower health care and workers’ compensation claims and fewer health-related lawsuits will see lower health care costs. Smokers cost businesses 18 percent more than non-smokers, according to AON Hewitt human resources consultant, Cathy Tripp.

Improved Morale

Using wellness programs helps build company morale. Institute team weight-loss or fitness contests, employee awards and recognition tied to healthy behaviors and other initiatives aimed at showing that your business cares about the health of your employees. Some businesses offer prizes or other incentives to employees who meet weight-loss goals. Other businesses reward workers who demonstrate improved fitness with monthly fitness tests. Putting workers on teams and letting them name a charity that will receive a prize if they win a corporate contest is another way to create teamwork, camaraderie and improved morale at your workplace.

Employee Retention

A wellness program can help you avoid having to find, recruit and retain new employees to replace those who can no longer function effectively, must take a health-related leave of absence or die. Substance abuse counseling, for example, may be less expensive than hiring a corporate recruiter to replace one of your executives. Setting up an employee fitness center may pay for itself by reducing career-ending injuries among manual laborers.



 Using wellness programs helps build company morale. Institute team weight-loss or fitness contests, employee awards and recognition tied to healthy behaviors and other initiatives aimed at showing that your business cares about the health of your employees. Some businesses offer prizes or other incentives to employees who meet weight-loss goals. Other businesses reward workers who demonstrate improved fitness with monthly fitness tests. Putting workers on teams and letting them name a charity that will receive a prize if they win a corporate contest is another way to create teamwork, camaraderie and improved morale at your workplace.

A wellness program can help you avoid having to find, recruit and retain new employees to replace those who can no longer function effectively, must take a health-related leave of absence or die. Substance abuse counseling, for example, may be less expensive than hiring a corporate recruiter to replace one of your executives. Setting up an employee fitness center may pay for itself by reducing career-ending injuries among manual laborers.

 Verna enjoys working with companies to craft the right Wellness Program for their culture and needs to help working professionals seamlessly blend yoga practices into their busy schedules.



 At 825 Gum Branch Rd # 127 office site, the classes are small and personal.


Organizational Wellness through  Corporate Wellness Programs

Your company is successful because you have good people who do great work. The problem is sometimes the price of that success is stress.

Stress hits your bottom line through lower productivity and higher healthcare costs. But it hits your people harder. It saps their energy and focus, weakens their immune systems, and damages their health.

That’s why your company needs Corporating Wellness & Flow Flex classes.

Our corporating wellness programs deliver big returns on small investments, in the health and productivity of your people, and in the profitability of your company.

We don’t just bring wellness programs to you. We also adapt them to fit your organization’s schedule, budget, and culture and the unique people who work for you. Let us deliver…

  1. Custom Flow Flex and Mind meditation classes that invigorate groups large and small
  2. Wellness Workshops full of simple techniques that restore focus and reduce stress
  3. Seated Mind meditation melt away tension

We’re passionate about wellness and want to be your partners in health and business.

Call us at 910-353-6350 to learn more about our wellness programs, to request a proposal, or to schedule a class or event.



How can FLOW FLEX help?


All stress, both physical and mental, is stored somewhere in the body and true stress that matter of discovering how to release that tension on both levels. Flow Flex is the art to reduce mental and physical stress while increasing strength, flexibility and energy.


Flow Flex is much more than an exercise class. It offers simple, safe, and practical techniques quickly reduce tension and stress in your employees. Plus it is easy to do, In our yoga programs participant will being experiencing long term effects. They will face the workday armed with stress combating exercises they can do right in the office.


Common work related problems and flow flex solutions


Problem – Back Pain


An estimated $80 billion a year is spent treating back pain

8 of 20 people will have problems with back pain at some point

 In their lives


Problem- Carpal Tunnel/Repetitive Stress injuries


RSI causes as many as 1.8 million injures per year across the

 United States, costing industries over      $20 billion in annual revenue


Problem – Obesity


Approximately 58 million Americans, about one-third are considered obese.

 Obesity can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes,

High blood pressure and stroke, It contributes to 3,000 deaths yearly.


Problem- Poor Concentration


Long hours in front of the computer derail concentration, which has

 A direct impact on productivity


Problem – Head Aches


Most headaches arise from muscle tension in the back of the

 Neck that is caused by the forward head position, with rounded shoulders

And curved upper back


Problem – Poor Posture


Improper sitting and standing posture leads to stiff necks, shoulders

 Hunched forward or pull tightly back, restricted breathing, and tightness

In the thighs, legs, and ankles. Backaches, headaches, and other painful symptoms

Is often the unfortunate result?


Problem – Low Energy Level

Continuous sitting with few breaks and limited physical activity promotes lethargy,

which can effect morale and overall work attitude.

           Corporate wellness Program







- Reduce stress
- Become stronger, healthier, calmer and more focused
- Increase productivity
- Improve employee relations
- Increase creativity
- Improve morale

Flow Flex effects of stress and learn the skills to manage them. This allows for increased productivity, happier relationships, nicer atmosphere and realized talents in individuals. It also promotes clear perceptions and decision making, less job injuries, better concentration and clarity of mind. Not only will your employees feel better but their health will improve as well.

Classes will include:

- Exercise and stretching
- Breathing exercises
- Relaxation
- Concentration and meditation
- Mindfulness
- Diet and lifestyle
- Self-awareness and introspection
- Positive thinking


After a consultation with your Human Resources Department we can customize a specific plan to meet the needs of your company. Your classes can be general or focused on back care, computer use, stress reduction or focus.

- Morning, lunchtime or after work classes are available.
- Our instructors will come to your facility. We will need a large room.

In addition to ongoing classes, we offer workshops and retreats and convention workshops and speakers.

- Series typically run for 12 weeks.
- 1 2 classes a week depending on your needs.
- Most employees are happy to contribute some toward the classes.

Your employees will need:

- A  mat and towel
- Wear comfortable clothing for exercise
- All levels are welcome
- No past experience necessary

Please call our offices for an appointment at 910-353-6350 and ask for Verna.


Stress Less: 16 Worry Cures


(RealSimple.com) - Do you agonize too much? Simple ways to spot the signs and find better ways to handle life's most common stressors






You worry about job security.


The reality:


In an uncertain economy, employment is far from a sure thing, so it's easy to wonder if your position may one day be eliminated.


You're most vulnerable if:


You've been laid off from a job before or someone close to you was fired unexpectedly.


What to do:


Grounding yourself in day-to-day reality is a good way to avoid stressing. Try to keep a close eye on how your company is doing financially so you can gauge the likelihood of layoffs, says organizational psychologist Barbara Gutek. Meet with your boss to learn what you can do to solidify your position with the company. Topics to discuss include what projects you should be working on and which skills and responsibilities you should be developing.


No matter what, it's always smart to look ahead, whether that means thinking of your next move within your company or contemplating a larger career change, says psychologist Robert Leahy.




It has gone too far when:


You are constantly stressing over your job performance, despite multiple reassurances that your work is up to snuff. In this case, overly perfectionistic tendencies could be to blame, and you may want to discuss this issue with a therapist.




You're nervous about the safety and well-being of your children.


The reality:


There's plenty to be anxious about. Because you love your children deeply, it's natural that you want to protect them from harm and heartache, and it can be hard to accept that you can't completely control whether they get sick, do well in school, or make friends easily. In fact, "some worry or concern is probably a sign of good parenting," says psychologist Steven Taylor.


You're most vulnerable if:


Your child had a serious illness or accident or had to be hospitalized early in life, or he or she has a chronic health condition. Or if you were neglected during your childhood, you could be overcompensating today by constantly worrying about how your kids are doing.


What to do:


Find a pediatrician you trust and respect and can talk to candidly. "Most pediatricians are used to parents who worry," says psychologist Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, "and a big part of their job is to help parents figure out what's worth worrying about and what isn't." If your pediatrician doesn't do this, it may be time to switch doctors.


With worries that aren't related to health - if your child is struggling with math or having a conflict with a friend, for example - ask yourself whether there's a specific action you can take to deal with the situation. Does your child need a tutor? Could talking to a therapist help him better manage difficult friendships? If a solution presents itself, try it.


But in the end, psychologist Robert Leahy says, "you may have to learn to accept uncertainty and your limitations in controlling things. It helps if you recognize that kids are resilient. They have to learn how to fall down to learn how to get up."




It has gone too far when:


Worrying about your children interferes with your own life - if you're losing sleep, for instance, or if constant micromanaging is hurting your relationship with your child.


"If your body feels tight all the time and you can't concentrate on work, tell your doctor that worry over your child is interfering with your ability to get through a normal day," says Nolen-Hoeksema. Ask about the possibility of seeing an anxiety expert.






You frequently think about the threat of terrorism and the possibility of natural disasters.


The reality:


We live in an uncertain world and are constantly exposed to violent images on TV and the Internet. It's enough to make even the calmest person paranoid, or at least a bit edgy.


You're most vulnerable if:


You've ever been in a situation that threatened your safety - surviving a powerful earthquake or a four-alarm fire, for example - says psychotherapist Jerilyn Ross. Also, you may be someone who simply doesn't cope well with unpredictability.


What to do:


Take a few moments to consider the probability (not the possibility) that a terrorist attack will occur in your town, a hurricane will destroy your home, or whatever else you're worried about happening will happen, says Ross. "If you differentiate between facts and fears, you can deal with reality," she says.


Even if you live in New York City or Washington, D.C., which bore the brunt of the 9/11 attacks, remind yourself that that is the only time in U.S. history that such a large-scale terrorist attack has occurred. "Our minds have a way of focusing on the horrific risks that are highlighted in the news," says Ross. "However, the chances of being in a car accident are greater than those of being killed by a terrorist."


As a way of coping without blowing things out of proportion, learn how to be better prepared for a disaster. Write a list of things that would make your home safer and more secure, and come up with a disaster-readiness plan for your family: Where will you meet? Who will be your contact person if you're separated? What kind of supplies can you stock up on now? Check these tasks off the list as you complete them.


"Then you can say, 'OK, I've done everything I can. Now I need to go on with my life,'" says Ross. "If you can't move on, seek help."




It has gone too far when:


Your worry leads you to make unnecessary and unreasonable adjustments to your life - for example, refusing to fly








Please call our offices for an appointment at 910-353-6350 and ask for Verna.





Call- 910.353.6350







Posture Check:

Sitting at our desks day in and day out can wreak havoc on our bodies.

Our bodies were meant to move – not sit for extended periods of time. But for most of us, working in an office environment leaves us little choice in the matter. In addition, nearly every evolutionary advancement we have made over the years has caused us to be able to “do” more but move less. The number of people experiencing neck and back problems, repetitive strain injuries and other such ailments is on the rise, but as a nation we are moving less. What gives?

With more and more workers in the office staring at a computer screen each day, bad posture in the workplace is often to blame.

I have even heard of cases of ‘email apnea’ are on the rise, where office workers begin to forget to blink, and even breathe, as they sit hunched before their computer transfixed on the screen, sifting through one email after another.

That’s not all. I have also heard people tell me they suffer from ‘mouse shoulder’. Huh? Being described as a modern epidemic, mouse shoulder is said to develop from repeated or prolonged computer mouse usage. No matter what you want to call it, putting repetitive strain on a certain area of the body in addition to being sedentary most of the day is never going to make us feel good or allow our bodies to function properly.

Take a look around your office, what do you see? I’m guessing that you see very few people actually sitting with their back against the back of their chair. Am I right? The truth is many people lean forward toward their computers, without realizing that for every inch your cheekbone is in front of your chest it is putting an unnecessary amount pressure on your neck and shoulder muscles that our bodies were not designed to handle, thus causing discomfort day in and day out.





Through the many techniques used in meditation it assists in improving body functions and general health. When meditation is used to focus on the body it increases blood flow through the whole body which increases oxygen and nutrient uptake of the cells throughout the body. Meditation strengthens the mind which leads to increased mental performance, concentration and will power. Meditation transforms molecular and genetic structure; assists in the reversal of mental illnesses; helps with accelerated learning and in solving daily problems.

Even though meditation is considered as a spiritual practice, its health benefits are immense. Through regular meditation practice and healthy diet it increases serotonin levels which influences mood and behaviour; decreases high blood pressure, anxiety, muscle tension and headaches; helps building self-confidence, reduces pre-menstrual syndrome and so many more.

                                                                                               PERSONAL TOUCH YOGA / PILATES


        Yoga the union of breathe body and movement CALL TO RESEVE YOUR SPACE,









Definition of Wellness – How do you define wellness? We continually hear this word during the news, in conversations, at work or read it in newspapers, magazines and the like. Surprisingly, there’s no definition of wellness that seems to be universally accepted. Nonetheless there is a set of general characteristics found in most good attempts at define wellness.

Health Risk Assessment – A health risk assessment is an assessment tool or questionnaire scientifically designed to identify health risks and outline information to assist person in making healthful changes that impact their health and prevent chronic disease.

Health Risk Appraisal – Before implementing a health risk appraisal (HRA) program, you need to consider several things. Do not forget, that you can also seek assistance from a wellness consultant for additional advice and recommendations.

Corporate Wellness – Corporate wellness programs are designed to nurture wellness in workers, regardless of the work environment. A corporate wellness program can be found in factories, corporate offices, large corporations, and small corporations alike.

Employee Wellness – Having employee wellness programs in place can boost morale, improve health and fitness and increase productivity in the workplace. Now that you have taken the steps necessary to begin an employee wellness program, how do you get your workers interested and willing to participate in a workplace health promotion program?

Company Wellness ROI – Company Wellness programs are a long-term investment. Finance and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) want hard numbers to show return on investment (ROI) for a company wellness program. And wellness ROI is tougher to calculate than, say, a 401(k).

Workplace Wellness – Workplace wellness programs come in all shapes and sizes. But regardless of plan design there are five common components that set the successful health wellness program apart from the rest.

Worksite Wellness – How does a worksite wellness program affect a company? Worksite wellness programs undoubtedly benefit both the corporations and staff members. Numerous studies have found a direct link, showing that healthful staff members make happy staff members, hence increasing productivity…

Wellness Quotes – There are many challenges associated with wellness programs – funding, management approval and support, employee participation, finding the right wellness consultant, wellness programs, etc. Here we discuss the easiest ways to get wellness quotes and find wellness companies.

Health Promotion – Health promotion programs vary greatly, but most are intended to encourage people to adopt healthier lifestyles and take steps to prevent illness or disease from starting or getting worse. This article discusses why workplace health promotion programs are so important and provides some best practices for developing worksite health promotion programs.

Wellness Programs – A common question we get is “what is a wellness program?” Here we answer that question and give you some information about the types of programs that work and other bits of information about workplace wellness programs.

Health fair planning guide - wellness fair planning guide