Lower Mainland Baseball Association

Return to Play Guidelines

On May 6, 2020 the Government of B.C. announced B.C.’s Restart Plan: Next Steps to Move Through the


Prior to restarting, every organization must have an explicit plan for the measures they will implement

and maintain over the coming 12 to 18 months. These plans must be in compliance with orders and

guidance from the PHO, and must be made available to the public either by posting on the wall of the

organization’s facility or on its website.

The province of British Columbia, including all recreational sports groups is currently in Phase Two and the Lower Mainland Baseball Association will be operating under guidelines outlined in viaSport and Baseball BC documents.

viaSport Return to Play Document – https://www.viasport.ca/return-sport

Baseball BC Return to Play Documenthttps://www.baseball.bc.ca/return-to-sport

Both documents will be linked on the Lower Mainland Baseball Association website (www.ballcharts.com/lmba )

along with the Lower Mainland Baseball Association Return to Play Guidelines. 

Covid – 19 Guidelines

LMBA will update members on any changes to British Columbia PHO information and guidelines.  These links will also be displayed on the LMBA website.

BC Covid 19 Data – Updated Information - http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/data

Symptoms of Covid – 19 –  http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/about-covid-19/symptoms

Covid - 19 Self-Assessment Tool - https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en

If You are Sick – http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/about-covid-19/if-you-are-sick

 BC Centre for Disease Control - http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19


Lower Mainland Baseball Association – Return to Play

PHASE TWO ACTIVITIES (June to September 2020)

ViaSport and Baseball BC have indicated that the main activities in this phase are skill developments and modified training (practice) sessions.

  • All LMBA teams participating in Phase Two activities must have all players, coaches, and team officials register using the LMBA website BEFORE going on the field.  Everyone will need to acknowledge a waiver of participation and agree to follow all guidelines from viaSport and Baseball BC as well as accepting the rules and policies as set by the LMBA.
  • All LMBA teams must obtain allocation permits from their local parks department and agree to the Return to Play Guidelines as established by local municipalities.
  • LMBA teams are responsible for ensuring that all Return to Play guidelines are followed.  It is recommended that all teams have a non-playing official/administrator who will be responsible completing all administrative tasks contained in the guidelines. 

viaSport/Baseball BC Phase Two

Phase 2 in the viaSport Guidelines is referred to as “Transition Measures – Approx. May to September.” This phase applies to Baseball and informs the baseball specific measures in the “Baseball BC Phase 2”. Important to note about this viaSport phase is the following:

− 2m physical distance required between participants

− No non-essential travel

− No groups of more than 50 people

− Increased hand hygiene 

− Symptom screening in place

 − Preferred outdoor activity only

− Train in smaller groups

− No or limited spectators

− No contact-type activities

− In-club play only (no travel and no games between clubs)

− Minimal shared equipment

– if shared need to disinfect before, during, and after

Personal Hygiene, Physical Distancing, and Health Protocols

Personal Hygiene

All LMBA players, coaches, and team officials are required to sign a covid waiver prior to taking part in training or game activities. (See attached)

- Anyone displaying ANY illness symptoms MUST NOT attend.

- Disinfectant wipe down of all surfaces athletes can be exposed before every event.

 - Reminder to all participants daily to avoid touching of eyes, nose or mouth

- No sharing of water bottles. 

 - No sharing of food of any kind.

- No spitting.

- No chewing gum or sunflower seeds.

 - No sharing of any personal equipment or items

- All participants encouraged to disinfect their equipment after each event.

 - All participants encouraged to wash all clothing and selves after each event

Physical Distancing and Health Protocols

- Small group training and development sessions permitted.

- Maximum of 10 athletes at an event.Maximum of 2 coaches at an event.

-Verbal symptom screening must be performed at every session to ensure all participants are symptom free.

- All government expectations and requirements to be met, including viaSport Phase 2 guidelines

- All Baseball BC Personal Health and Hygiene Recommended Guidelines to be reviewed and enforced as outlined above.

- 2m physical distance required between participants

- Every event to include reminders to participants regarding 2m physical distancing and include no spitting, no face touching, no contact between the athletes.

- Attendance must be taken and kept at every event for all people in attendance including parents (drivers).These records must be kept for 30 days before being destroyed.

- No team huddles before, during or after the practice for coaching or teaching purposes unless 2m physical distancing requirements are adhered to.

- All drills to be created and implemented ensuring 2m physical distancing requirements are adhered to.

- No dugout use permitted.Athletes must be set up outside of the dugout with 2m physical distancing requirements adhered to.

- No shared use of personal equipment.

- Baseballs should be sanitized prior to every event and every effort given to limit the number of athletes using one ball in a practice environment. Anyone sanitizing baseballs or other team equipment should be properly prepared (mask/gloves) – this duty could be performed by the team’s non-playing official/administrator.

- Any team issue bats should be sanitized prior to every event and between every use by different athletes. No other team equipment should be shared.

- No indoor events (practice, cage) permitted.

- No changing or dressing rooms permitted.

- All field prep equipment to be disinfected and cleaned after every use.


Phase 2 Guidelines and Recommendations - Transition to other guidelines within this phase (Date TBA)


- All guidelines listed above are applicable to this “In Phase Transition” with the following notable changes.

- Full team practices permitted (Date TBA)


Phase 3 Guidelines and Recommendations (Date TBA) - Game play permitted.

- Verbal symptom screening must be performed at every session to ensure all participants are symptom free.

- All government expectations and requirements to be met as outlined above.

- All Baseball BC Personal Health and Hygiene Recommended Guidelines to be reviewed and enforced as outlined above.

- Every event to include reminders to participants regarding physical distancing requirements and include no spitting, no face touching, no contact between the athletes.

- Attendance must be taken and kept at every event for all people in attendance including parents (drivers).These records must be kept for 30 days before being destroyed.

- No team huddles before, during or after the game for coaching or teaching purposes unless physical distancing requirements are adhered to.

- No dugout use permitted.Athletes must be set up outside of the dugout with physical distancing requirements adhered to.

- No shared use of personal equipment

- No plate meetings pre-game for lineup exchanges unless physical distancing requirements are adhered to.

- No mound visits by catcher or coach unless physical distancing requirements are adhered to.

- No postgame handshakes.

- A new or disinfected baseball should be entered into the game for every ball put in play. Teams will be responsible for de-sanitizing baseballs prior to, during, and after the game.It is recommended that ONLY one person handle the baseballs when sanitizing is required. Persons sanitizing baseballs are to take precautions to protect their health and the use of masks and gloves is recommended.

- Any team issue bats should be sanitized prior to every event and between every use by different athletes.

- All players to sanitize their hands when returning to the dugout from the field, after each at bat and as required.

- All scorekeeping, announcing and scoreboards operation to be performed outside and not in buildings or booths with social distancing requirements in mind.

- Umpires to work from behind the mound at an appropriate distance from others. LMBA will observe all guidelines under which the umpires might be working as instructed by BCBUA.

- Regional or Community based programming only.Limited travel.No overnight trips.

- No tournaments permitted. - All field prep equipment to be disinfected and cleaned after every use.


The recommendations and guidelines in this phase are subject to change.



Phase Four (TBA)

Phase 4 in the viaSport Guidelines is referred to as “New Normal – Future Date TBA”

Important to note about this phase is the following:

- Refer to PHO or local health authorities for current restrictions.

- Large groups allowed.

- No restrictions on spectators.

- No restrictions on activity types.

- Provincial competitions and larger scale events may return

- Shared equipment permitted.

-See the viaSport Guidelines for all the requirements of this phase


Facility Adaptations


- All spectator seating should be configured with social distancing requirements adhered to.All parties should adhere to ensuring total attendance (players, spectators, officials) is under 50.

-  No gathering should be permitted around the park until the scheduled start time of any event – teams and players will observe regulations around arrival times prior to games.

- Athletes should leave the park immediately after the practice or game

- Teams are to sanitize park facility following games and training sessions – contact surfaces, gates, dugouts, field maintenance equipment.


Covid Safety Plan

Personal Hygiene

Covid Waiver

All LMBA players, coaches, and team officials are required to sign a covid waiver (see attached) prior to taking part in LMBA training or game activities.

• If you don’t feel well or are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, you must stay home.

 • If you have traveled outside of Canada, you are not permitted at the facility until you have self isolated for a minimum of 14 days.

 • If you live in a household with someone who has COVID-19 or is showing symptoms of COVID19, please stay home

. • Wash your hands before participating

• Bring your own equipment, water bottle and hand sanitizer

 • Comply with physical distancing measures at all time

• Avoid physical contact with others, including shaking hands, high fives, etc.

• Leave the field of play as quickly as possible after you finish



“Team member” includes an employee, volunteer, participant or parent/spectator.

1. Inform an individual in a position of authority (coach, team manager, program coordinator) immediately if, you feel any symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite.

2. Assessment

a. Managers/coaches will visually monitor team members to assess any early warning signs as to the status of their health and to touch base on how they are regarding their personal safety throughout the workday/practice/activity.

b. If Team Members are unsure please have them use the self-assessment tool https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en or through the COVID-19 BC Support App selfassessment tool.

3. If a Team Member is feeling sick with COVID-19 symptoms

 a. They should remain at home and contact Health Link BC at 8-1-1.

 b. If they feel sick and /or are showing symptoms while at work, they should be sent home immediately and have them contact 8-1-1 or a doctor for further guidance.

c. No Team Member may participate in a practice/activity if they are symptomatic.

4. If a Team Member tests positive for COVID-19

 a. The Team Member will not be permitted to return to the workplace/practice/facility until they are free of the COVID-19 virus.

b. Any Team Members who work/play closely with the infected Team Member will also be removed from the workplace/practice/facility for at least 14 days to ensure the infection does not spread further.

c. Close off, clean and disinfect their work/practice/facility area immediately and any surfaces that could have potentially be infected/touched.

5. If a Team Member has been tested and is waiting for the results of a COVID-19 Test

a. As with the confirmed case, the Team Member must be removed from the workplace/practice/facility.

b. The Public Health Agency of Canada advises that any person who has even mild symptoms to stay home and call the public health authority of B.C.

 c. Other Team Members who may have been exposed will be informed and removed from the workplace/practice/activity for at least 14 days or until the diagnosis of COVID-19 is ruled out by health authorities.

d. The workspace/practice/activity space will be closed off, cleaned, and disinfected immediately and any other surfaces that could have potentially been infected/touched.

 6. If a Team Member has come in to contact with someone who is confirmed to have COVID-19 30

a. Team Members must advise their employer/coach if they reasonably believe they have been exposed to COVID-19.

 b. Once the contact is confirmed, the Team Member will be removed from the workplace/practice/activity for at least 14 days or as otherwise directed by public health authorities. Team Members who may have come into close contact with the Team Member will also be removed from the workplace for at least 14 days.

 c. The workspace/activity area will be closed off, cleaned, and disinfected immediately and any other surfaces that could have potentially been infected/touched.

7. Quarantine or Self-Isolate if:

a. Any Team Member who has travelled outside of Canada or the province within the last 14 days is not permitted to enter any part of the facility and must quarantine and self isolate.

b. Any Team Member with any symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted to enter any part of the facility and must quarantine and self-isolate.

c. Any Team Member from a household with someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted to enter any part of the facility and must quarantine and self-isolate.

 d. Any Team Member who is in quarantine or self-isolating as a result of contact with an infected person or in families who are self-isolating, is not permitted to enter any part of the facility.

First Aid and Outbreak Plan

First Aid

In the event that first aid is required to be administered during an activity, all persons attending to the injured individual must first put on a mask and gloves.

Outbreak Plan

An “outbreak” is two or more cases; a “case” is a single case of COVID-19.

1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of staff or volunteers if a case or outbreak is reported. Determine who within the organization has the authority to modify, restrict, postpone or cancel activities.

2. If staff (including volunteers) or a participant reports they are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 and have been at the workplace/activity place, implement enhanced cleaning measures to reduce risk of transmission. If you are not the facility operator, notify the facility right away.

3. Implement your illness policy and advise individuals to:

 • self-isolate

• monitor their symptoms daily, report respiratory illness and not to return to activity for at least 10 days following the onset of fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite.

• use the COVID-19 self-assessment tool at BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to help determine if further assessment or testing for COVID-19 is needed. o Individuals can contact 8-1-1 if further health advice is required and 9-1-1 if it is an emergency. o Individuals can learn more about how to manage their illness here: http://www.bccdc.ca/healthinfo/diseases-conditions/covid-19/about-covid-19/if-youare-sick

 4. In the event of a suspected case or outbreak of influenza-like-illness, immediately report and discuss the suspected outbreak with the Medical Health Officer (or delegate) at your local health authority. Implement your Illness Policy and your enhanced measures. 5. If your organization is contacted by a medical health officer in the course of contact tracing, cooperate with local health authorities.

Lower Mainland Baseball Association - Covid 19 Waiver

To be acknowledged by all players, coaches, team, and league officials prior to participating in training or game activities.

  As a voluntary participant of the Lower Mainland Baseball Association I agree to abide by the following points when entering association facilities and/or participating in association activities under the COVID-19 Response plan and RTP Protocol:

 • I agree to symptom screening checks and will let my club know if I have experienced any of the symptoms in the last 14 days.

• I agree to stay home if feeling sick and remain home for 14 days if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

 • I agree to sanitize my hands upon entering and exiting the facility, with soap or sanitizer.

 • I agree to sanitize the equipment I use throughout my practice with approved cleaning products provided by the club (shared and personal equipment).

• I agree to continue to follow social distancing protocols of staying at least 2m away from others.

• I agree to not share any equipment during practice times.

• I agree to abide by all of my Association’s COVID-19 Policies and Guidelines.

• I understand that if I do not abide by the aforementioned policies/guidelines, that I may be asked to leave the association for up to 14 days to help protect myself and others around me.

• I acknowledge that continued abuse of the policies and/or guidelines may result in suspension of my association membership temporarily.

• I acknowledge that there are risks associated with entering association facilities and/or participating in association activities, and that the measures taken by the club and participants, including those set out above and under the COVID-19 Response Plan and Return to Sport Protocols, will not entirely eliminate those risks.

  • I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others and assume full responsibility for my participation.
  • I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation.  If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately; and
  • I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS The Lower Mainland Baseball Association, their officers, officials, and other participants WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

 Date will be time of online registration




Lower Mainland Baseball Association - Return to Play 2020

All LMBA teams are to keep an accurate record of attendance and procedures followed for any baseball activities.  These records must be kept on file for 30 days and produced for inspection upon request.  Failure to keep an accurate record will result in the removal of LMBA support and suspension of teams/players until further notice.

Team Name:___________________________________________ Date:__________________________________

Park Location:__________________________________________ Activity: Training ____________ Game ___________

Name of Recorder: _____________________________________________

Please check that the following procedures were taken:

______ Verbal screening of all participants using Covid 19 guidelines

______ Teams reminded of physical distancing requirements and personal hygiene practices to be followed

______ All facility matters completed – sanitization, storage, field maintenance, maintenance equipment

______ All shared team equipment sanitized following event   

______ All participants left facility immediately after event

Record of Attendance


Name of Participant

Phone Number







































Signature of Team Official Completing Report _______________________________________________________




Recent Results
Sun Jul 21/24 6:30pm:
South Delta Padres 5
Vancouver Mounties 1
Sun Jul 21/24 6:00pm:
Vancouver Blue Jays 6
Vancouver Capilanos 11
Sun Jul 21/24 5:00pm:
Albion Braves 12
Vancouver Vipers 3
Sun Jul 21/24 4:30pm:
Vancouver Mounties 6
South Delta Padres 5
Sun Jul 21/24 4:00pm:
Langley Knights 3
Newton Royals 12
Sun Jul 21/24 12:00pm:
Aldergrove Chiefs 4
Newton Pirates 8
Sun Jul 21/24 10:00am:
Chilliwack Cubs -
Howe Sound Hounds -
Sun Jul 21/24 9:00am:
Burnaby Pirates 19
Central City Dodgers 3
Sun Jul 21/24 9:00am:
Richmond Rainiers 12
Burnaby Blue Jays 2
Upcoming Games
Fri Jul 26/24 7:00pm:
@ Latrace Field
Aldergrove Chiefs -
Richmond Athletics -
Sat Jul 27/24 9:00am:
@ Robert Burnaby
Delta Stars -
Burnaby 45+ Pirates -
Sat Jul 27/24 9:00am:
@ South Surrey
Richmond Red Sox -
Surrey Sun Devils -
Sat Jul 27/24 12:00pm:
@ Robert Burnaby Park
North Vancouver Pirates -
Vancouver Vipers -
Sat Jul 27/24 6:00pm:
@ Hillcrest Park
Newton Pirates -
Vancouver Capilanos -
Sat Jul 27/24 6:30pm:
@ Fairfield Park
Richmond Rainiers -
Chilliwack Cubs -
Sun Jul 28/24 9:00am:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Langley Knights -
Central City Dodgers -
Sun Jul 28/24 9:00am:
@ Robert Burnaby Park (7 innings)
Howe Sound Hounds -
Burnaby Pirates -
Sun Jul 28/24 11:30am:
@ Holly Park (7 innings)
Central City Dodgers -
Langley Knights -
Sun Jul 28/24 11:30am:
@ Robert Burnaby (7 innings)
Burnaby Pirates -
Howe Sound Hounds -


60+ Division00000.000


NABA World Series - Looking for Players

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60+ baseball at its best!

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Countdown to

(Apr 12, 2024 @ 7:00pm)


Number of visits to the site:


Baseball in the Age of Corona
Baseball in the Age of Corona
Baseball in the Age of Corona
Baseball in the Age of Corona
  • Congrats to South Delta Padres 2023 BC Senior AA Champs
  • Congrats to BC Capitals 60+ Tier Two CNOBF Champs
  • Congrats to Whalley Chiefs and Vancouver Mounties for great LMBA 18+ Division final. Chiefs win 2 - 1 in 12 innings.
  • Congrats to Richmond Red Sox, LMBA 45+ Ray Edger Division champs!
  • Congrats to Langley Knights, LMBA 30+ Division champs!