Member of the Women's Blue Chip Basketball League

Kipp Atlanta Collegiate (Turner Middle School Gym):
98 Anderson Ave. Atlanta, GA 30314
- From: Downtown Atlanta, GA
- Take I-20 West
- Continue to Exit 53 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
- Exit and stay right to continue on West Lake Ave., SW
- Travel 1/2 mile
- Turn left at the stop sign onto Calloway Drive
- At the intersection of Anderson and Calloway continue straight on Calloway and KIPP - Turner Middle School Gym will be the last building on your left.
- From: Traveling I-20 East
- Exit Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive
- Turn Left at bottom of Ramp and continue straight through light and go under bridge. Once you go under the bridge.
- Turn Left at light onto West Lake Ave., SW
- Travel 1/2 mile / Turn left at the first stop sign onto Calloway Drive
- At the intersection of Anderson and Calloway continue straight on Calloway and KIPP - Turner Middle School Gym will be the last building on your left.