Jul 27/24
5:16 am

Mobile Storm





General Policies:

All players must follow USAV Code of Conduct, AAU and JVA polices and procedures.

Attendance Policies:

1.       Practices will be deemed “mandatory” or “open gym”. Each player is only allowed to miss 2 unexcused practices per month. If the athlete has gone over the 2 unexcused practices, the player will sit out during the first match of the very next tournament.  

2.       It is the responsibility of the athlete or the parent to notify the coach if they will miss practice or a tournament. Notification should be made one week prior to the scheduled event.

3.       If a player does not fulfill their commitment to the club and adhere to the club schedule, they will forfeit any paid fees and will forfeit future membership to Mobile Storm.

Travel Policies:

1.       Parents are responsible for all travel to and from practices and tournaments.

2.       Parents are also responsible for hotel accommodations for overnight tournaments.

3.       Reservations will be the responsibility of the Team Chaperone and/or Director.


Player/Parent Policies and Rules:

1.       Players/Parents will be supportive of other Mobile Storm players and teammates.

2.       Proper conduct is expected at all times. This includes but is not limited to: No foul language or rude behavior towards another Mobile Storm player, parent or staff member, officials or other clubs.

3.       Equal playing time is not guaranteed. The coaching staff will determine playing time.

4.       Parents will not coach their daughters at tournaments and will only be allowed to sit in at practice if they are not a distraction. A parent who causes a disturbance at practices or games will be asked to leave and a repeat misconduct may result in the player being dismissed from her team without any fee reimbursement.

5.       If a player has a problem or concern, the player must first approach the coach. If a player is not satisfied, the parent can ask for a meeting, in a private area with the coach and director.

6.       Players and Parents must also abide by any “team rules” set forth by each individual team in the Mobile Storm Club.

7.       Parents are not to approach the coach during tournaments and/or practice to discuss playing time or any other topic that could be controversial.  A parent is not allowed to call or ask to meet with a coach until 24 hours after a tournament has ended.



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