Jul 27/24
7:21 am

Park River Red Machine Hockey



Park River


Adopted 2013

The policies set forth in this handbook are meant to provide a guide outlining expectations of
all parties involved in Park River Youth Hockey. These policies and procedures do not
supersede rules and regulations set forth by the North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association
or USA Hockey, the governing agencies. They extend the rules and regulations to manage the
Park River Youth Hockey Program. “Park River Youth Hockey” includes Park River Termite,
Mite, Squirt and Grafton-Park River Peewee and Bantam teams.

Park River Youth Hockey Mission, Vision, and Goals

Mission Statement: To effectively manage a youth hockey organization that develops hockey
and life skills for all players.

The vision of Park River Youth Hockey is to create a positive athletic opportunity in a fun and
competitive manner.

Goals of Park River Youth Hockey include:

• Help youth hockey players become better citizens, better sports persons, and more
educated in the sport of hockey.
• Provide youth with safe and enjoyable experiences.
• Help participants in their physical, social, and mental development.
• Provide an opportunity for youth players to develop personal values, such as self-
control, patience, courage, determination, and hard work.
• Abide by USA and NDAHA rules and regulations, including having certified officials and
coaches, following guidelines on practices and games and the new SAFESPORT Program.



Membership is on a per-family basis, regardless of the number of players in the family.
Membership is automatic upon registration and entitles each family to one vote in PRYH

Park River Youth Hockey welcomes and encourages participation by its members. Board
members will be (re)elected by popular vote at the Spring Meeting, not the year end Hockey
Banquet. Members are welcome to attend meetings, express thoughts and concerns, and most
importantly, volunteer to support the program.

The Board of Directors will consist of 7 voting members. See PRHB Articles of Incorporation.
Officers will be elected from the members on the Board. Board members will be required to
observe the Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct and serve the entire program to the best of
their ability.

Monthly board meetings will typically be held and attendance by board members is required.
Meetings will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted. Notice to the secretary is requested
and required for time on the agenda. Sub-committees of the board may meet as required to
conduct business in a timely manner between Board meetings.


Officers and other Board Members:

President: Amber Nelson

Vice President: Travis Bell

Secretary: Justin Lindell

Treasurer: Jon Markusen

Other Board Members:

Mike Hodny, Jeremy Ness, Brandon Larson


Scheduler: Mike Hodny 741-6670

Website: Jeremy Ness 208-0445

Concessions: Amber Nelson 331-1664

Arena Manager: Jeff Tverberg 331-0385

Coaching Coordinator: Jon Markusen 360-5551

Officials Coordinator: Jon Markusen 360-5551


Board members will:

1. Act as a representative of Park River Youth Hockey in a professional manner at all
2. Work to the best of their abilities to run an efficient, cost effective program for all
youth hockey participants.
3. Serve as an unbiased party managing the program.
4. Address issues and concerns from players, parents, coaches, game officials,
community members and other hockey programs as they arise.
5. Abide by the rules and guidelines set forth by USA Hockey.
6. Abide by the rules and guidelines set forth by the North Dakota Amateur Hockey





Park River Youth Hockey strives to provide the best program at the most reasonable cost to all
participants. Hockey registration will be held in September or October of each year. USA
Hockey Registration verification (printed) must be provided along with all required registration
forms and payment of fees. If payment of fees cannot be made, arrangements MUST be made
with the Board President and Treasurer prior to the registration date.

AGE CLASSIFICATIONS 2013-2014 SEASON (See USA Hockey Website)


Age Range


Born after 7/1/2006


7/1/2004 to 6/30/2006


7/1/2002 to 6/30/2004


7/1/2000 to 6/30/2002


7/1/1998 to 6/30/2000







Target # of Games


$100 (1st year free)

Justin Lindell

3 – 4 Jamborees



Aaron Carter

20 – 25 Games plus 2



Matt Peschong, Brent

25 – 35 Games plus 3

Pee Wee B




Pee Wee A




Bantam B




Bantam A






Jerseys are provided for each player for the season. Please take good care of your jerseys and
return them in the same condition at the end of the season.

Team socks are the responsibility of each player. Socks are on sale in the concession stand.


Park River Youth Hockey is a volunteer driven organization. To provide quality programs in a
positive, fun, and quality environment for all players, help is needed from every member.
Volunteers are needed for fundraisers, tournament administration, and other “jobs” as needed.

Volunteer responsibilities also ensure that your team runs smoothly. Every parent is expected
to help in some manner. Once the team manager has been selected by the coach, the team
manager will need volunteers for:

• Time keepers / Score keepers
• Tournament Coordinators
• Fundraising
• Travel Coordinators

Families are also expected to work in the concession stand. Please see “Concession Stand” for
more information.


Each family will be required to work a minimum of 2 games in the concession stand and may
also be called on to volunteer an extra game if needed. This consists of 2 individuals (kids 14 or
older can work with an adult). If you are unable to fill your shift(s), you are responsible to find
your own replacement. If you have an opening shift, you need to be at the stand 1 HOUR
before the start of the game. If you have a closing shift, you are responsible for cleanup. There
are detailed instructions on the Coke machine in the “stand”.

New families will be scheduled with a veteran parent for the first time so they can be shown
how everything works. The concession scheduler will make sure the stand is unlocked for the
first game. The closing shift may need to lock the door when leaving. Failure to complete your
shifts will result in cashing your deposit, (see DEPOSIT section below).

The only people exempt from working at the Concession Stand are the coaches. This is a
volunteer program and everyone needs to help. No help means no concession stand during

There is no charging allowed.

No children are allowed in the concession stand at any time. If you are working a shift, please
abide by this rule.


A $100 deposit will be required at registration this year. The deposit is to help encourage all
parents to participate in the Park River Hockey program. The deposit will be cashed at the end
of the year if any of the following three items are not completed or turned in:

1. If you are a termite parent that is assigned an equipment bag the bag is to be
returned at the end of the season. If not your deposit will be cashed.
2. If you received a game jersey the jersey is to be returned at the end of the year in
good condition and clean. If not your deposit will be cashed.
3. If you miss your shift(s) at the concession stand and do not find replacements your
deposit will be cashed.




Coaches will be selected by the board for the 2013-2014 season. Final coaches will be decided
upon by the full Board with the Peewee and Bantam team coaches approved with the Grafton
Youth Hockey Association Board. It will be the Board’s intention that coaches will be announced
prior to registration, which will be held in September and October of each year.

Coaches will be selected based on a set of criteria. The Coaching Committee will look for
coaches who exhibit the following traits:

• Commitment to player and personal development
• Respect by and from peers, players, and parents
• Past hockey coaching experience
• Well-developed positive & motivational skills
• Good communication skills
• Strong organizational skills
• Support of principles and core values.
• USA Hockey and the North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association require all head coaches
to be certified through their Coaching Education Program. The level of certification
depends on the level of team coached.

All coaches are subject to an annual background check in adherence with the North Dakota
Amateur Hockey Association rules.


Each team will have a team manager, appointed by the coach(es). This person(s) is usually a
parent(s) of a player. Duties include:

1. Act as a “go between” for parents and coaches.
2. Help reserve hotels/motels for overnight stays.
3. Assist with equipment handout (jerseys, etc.) and be sure to collect at end of season.
4. Help the coach update parents with schedule changes, tournament info, etc.
5. Submit scores and game information to NDAHA


See Grafton Youth Hockey Association Handbook for tryout policy guidance for Peewee, and
Bantam teams.


Park River Youth Hockey will enforce a policy of placing all participating players in the level of
play associated with their age/birth date. While some players may be more advanced at a
particular age than their peers, PRYH agrees with USA Hockey that overall development of the
player emotionally and physically is best served by having him or her progress normally through
the age level and age classification. The only exception to this policy is if numbers are low or a
specific position is needed (i.e.: goalie). It is recommend a child playing on two teams play no

more than 3 games in any given day. Priority shall be given to the team which fits their age
level. Coach’s discretion shall be used in making final determinations. Players who play on two
teams shall have their locker in the room of their base team.


Park River Hockey is not associated with the Public School system until players reach junior
varsity and varsity levels. We are Student Athletes. The word student comes first and we
strongly encourage parents and coaches to make sure their child’s / player’s grades are passing.


All members have the right to appeal decisions or discipline assessed by the Park River Youth
Hockey Board of Directors. Park River Youth Hockey provides an orderly procedure for
discussion and resolution of all problems, concerns, and formal grievances. The objective is to
resolve issues at the most immediate level. The key criteria in any resolution must consider
what is best for the team, best for the player, and best for the youth hockey program.

1. Problems or concerns that have to do with the coaching of the team (playing time,
positions, practice, etc.) should be taken to the coach or team manager of the
respective team.
2. If the problem cannot be solved at the coach or team manager level, contact a board
member to initiate communication with the board.
3. Problems or concerns that have to do with other team issues or are broader issues
should be directed to the board.

It is strongly recommended that before any grievance is presented to a coach, team
manager, or board, a “24-hour cooling off period” be observed.




Parents Should:

1. Remember that youth are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours.
Make this a positive experience for all participants. Be respectful of all players and
2. Encourage players to abide by the rules.
3. Teach participants the importance of teamwork on and off the ice.
4. Teach participants that honest effort is as important as winning.
5. Try to turn defeat into victory by helping the player work towards skill development and
good sportsmanship. Remember that learning and development as a person and a
player are more important than winning.
6. Recognize the value and importance of our coaches.
7. Let the coaches coach.

Parents Should Not:

1. Force an unwilling child to participate in sports.
2. Publicly question an official’s judgment or honesty.
3. Yell at officials from the stands during or after games.
4. Ridicule or criticize any player.
5. Condone physical or verbal abuse of players.
6. Criticize coaches.


Using profanity towards a player, coach, official, or other spectator will be grounds for removal
from the premises. An official or arena personnel will give the direct removal. The President or
Tournament Director will review the situation and inform the party of the Board’s decision in
writing as to the length of their suspension from the premises.

If any parent/guardian verbally or physically threatens a coach, player or official, that person
may be banned from the arena for the remainder of the season, and/or other action may be
taken. This decision will be made by the Board of Directors after reviewing the situation.

In the event of questions or concerns, the procedure to follow is:

1. Wait 24 hours.
2. Arrangement of a face-to-face meeting to discuss the issue (including coach, parent,
and/or official). A neutral party must be present during this meeting.
3. Take the concern to the President.
4. Take the concern to the Grievance Committee.

The Grievance Committee will submit a written report of action(s) taken to the Board of
Directors and the interested parties. Grafton Youth Hockey Association will adhere to the USA
Hockey “Zero Tolerance Policy.”


Realizing that they are representatives of Park River Youth Hockey, all players will:

1. Follow USA Hockey and North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association rules and guidelines.
2. Follow PRYH Handbook
3. Learn the rules of the game.
4. Respect other players, coaches, and officials.
5. Demonstrate a good work ethic in games and practice.
6. Conduct themselves in a positive manner.
7. Be a team player.
8. Recognize that the coach(es), not parents, are the primary source of instruction in a
9. Be prompt for all practices (1/2 hour before accompanied by parent) and games (1 hour
before). If an older child will be helping a younger child prepare for practice let the
coach or a board member know. If circumstances arise that make attendance
impossible, notify the coach beforehand. Injury, illness, academic situations and religion

are a few examples that may be excused at the discretion of the coach. If a player is
habitually late, the coach may discipline the player as appropriate.
10. Be properly equipped. All players must have an approved helmet, shin pads, elbow
pads, shoulder pads, breezers, cup supporter, gloves, throat protector collar (required
for goalies, recommended for others), and all standard goalie equipment when
practicing or playing in the goal (except Termites and Mites).
11. Wear uniforms/jerseys for game purposes only.

PRYH believes the growth and development of players can best take place in an environment
which promotes safety, fairness, courtesy, and respect for one another. The following actions
will not be tolerated:

1. Hazing: committing an act against a player or coercing a player into committing an act
that creates substantial risk of harm to a person in order for the player to be affiliated
with the team.
2. Disorderly Conduct: engaging in an offensive, obscene, or abusive language or in
boisterous, noisy, or offensive conduct tending to arouse alarm, anger or resentment.
3. Harassment: participating in or conspiring with others to engage in harassing acts that
injure, degrade, or disgrace other individuals. Harassment, whether willful or otherwise,
includes offensive behavior relating to gender, religion, culture, disability, race, and/or

Unlawful behavior by a player may result in immediate suspension of the player and must be
reported to the PRYH Board for review and consideration of disciplinary action. The use or
possession of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs will result in an immediate suspension. Park
River Youth Hockey will adhere to the North Dakota High School Activity Association’s rules,
and additional penalties may be added by the PRYH Board of Directors.

Any player removed from a game for fighting will be suspended. A coach may suspend a player
for fighting during practice or travel. USA Hockey rules will be used as guidelines.

Chronic discipline problems will be brought before the Board of Directors for disciplinary action.

All equipment MUST be turned in to the team manager at the end of the season. Parents are
responsible to replace any lost equipment.

In the event of questions or concerns, the procedure to follow is:

1. Take the concern directly to the party - coach, parent, official, etc.

2. Take the concern to the PRYH Board. The board will submit a written report of
action(s) taken to the interested parties.






Coaches will:

1. Keep in mind that players are the most important part of the PRYH program. Learning
and developing skills are more important than winning.
2. Understand the rules of the game and share that understanding with the players.
3. Treat players fairly.
4. Be prompt.
5. Display kindness, consideration, and understanding towards the players.
6. Share ideas and techniques with other coaches for the betterment of the program.
7. Be considerate of other teams.
8. Be well prepared for practices
9. Have a positive attitude at all times.
10. Have knowledge of First Aid.
11. Teach players to respect officials’ decisions.
12. Inform players not to shoot pucks at the bleacher areas in any arena during a warm up
as recommended by USA Hockey for insurance purposes.
13. Lead by example, setting a standard of conduct that the community and youth hockey
will be proud.
14. Inform the PRYH Board of any violations of player conduct.
15. Be a Certified Coach with North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association and USA Hockey
for the age group coaching.
16. Be in the locker room for a reasonable time before/after practice/games or assign a
17. Lead by example. Set a standard of conduct so high, that the community and youth
hockey will be proud.



Please refer to the Park River Youth Hockey Website
for information, updates and changes to this policy handbook and schedule changes.













The undersigned, as parent and/or guardian of




in consideration of his/her receiving permission to participate in the hockey program sponsored
by Park River Youth Hockey, the receipt of such permission being hereby acknowledged, do
hereby give our consent to his/her participation in said program, and do hereby release the said
Park River Youth Hockey, its officers, agents, servants and employees, of and from any and all
liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to
any loss, damage or injury that may be sustained by said child while engaged in participation in
the hockey program in the City of Park River and Grafton or en route to, on, or from any and all
other premises used for such program. Park River Youth Hockey program will adhere to the
North Dakota High School Activities Associations rules dealing with drugs, tobacco and alcohol


Park River Youth Hockey has no health insurance coverage.


By signing this form, you agree that you have read and understand the policies set forth
above and in the handbook.


Dated this day of , 20 .


Phone Number:


Age: Child’s Date of Birth:



PARENT SIGNATURE ____________________________________________











1. Use arena facility and property with respect.
2. Put all refuse in garbage containers (don’t leave anything on bleachers, tables skate
room or locker rooms). Pick up after yourself.
3. No unauthorized persons in press box (game workers only).
4. Do not play with hockey sticks anywhere in building except on the ice.
5. No unauthorized persons in the concession stand area.
6. Everyone on ice surface must wear helmet w/face mask if any type of hockey is being
played except senior hockey.
7. No on allowed in building without an adult (18 years old or older).
8. All non scheduled events need to be run past board member or arena manager so they
can be put on the schedule to make sure no conflicts arise.
9. All need to make sure lights are off and heaters are turned down at end of each day.
10. No smoking anywhere in the building.
11. No unauthorized persons in the locker rooms.

This can be successful if self disciplined if everyone is responsible. Discipline will be handled
by Arena Employees and will be turned over to the Board for action.


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