Jul 27/24
7:24 am

Mountain Spongee
at Little Mountain Sportsplex







These rules cover all nights of play.  Division coordinator reserve the right to revise these rules at their discretion and as they see fit. If this occurs, all team captains will be notified.

a)   Zero Tolerance for fighting, No body contact. Penalties will be called at referee’s discretion.

b)   No off-sides or icing will be called.

c)   Every game will have two twenty minute running halves. The last two minutes of each game will be stop time.

d)   The referee can call off any game for any reason during the season. Points will be handed out at referee’s discretion.

e)   Team win 2 points, tie 1 point, loss 0 points.

f)   All teams will be required to wear matching jerseys complete with numbers. Players must wear the same number for all season and play-off games at Little Mountain Sportsplex. In the odds of both competing teams wearing the same color, the team with fewer players will be required to wear pinnies supplied by the LMSA. These pinnies will be located within the clubhouse and may be borrowed using a driver’s license as collateral. We will list the team’s jersey colour with the schedule so there is plenty of time to prepare for spare jerseys.

g)   All leagues require 5 players plus a goaltender; however you can start a game with a minimum of 4 players plus a goaltender. In co-ed maximum of 3 male players plus a goaltender on the ice at any one time, you may play with more female players than male players if desired. 2 female players must be on the ice at all times (unless you are playing short). If female is penalized, she must serve penalty, but team must play short a male for duration of penalty. Male players must serve any penalties by goaltender.  When a female is penalized she has to be replaced with another female and a male must leave the ice, at no time in Co-Ed should there be less than 2 females on the ice.

h)   If teams do not have enough players at scheduled game time, 1 goal for every 2 minutes will be awarded to opposing team. If the team cannot meet the minimum required players after 10 minutes then the game is defaulted. Team will receive a 7-0 loss.

i)    If both teams do not have the required amount of players, both teams will receive a loss.

j)    If your goaltender is not coming and you have no equipment then, have a player act as the goaltender. The acting goaltender must remain the same player for the entire game, or until a goaltender with equipment shows up.

k)   The goaltender cannot intentionally handle the puck over centre ice. Teams may pull goaltender on delayed penalties or only in the last 5 minutes of a game in an effort to score goals. When the goaltender is pulled no player on the team with an extra attacker can cover the puck in his or her own crease or else a goal is awarded.

l)    No player who played less than 8 regular season games will be allowed to play in the playoffs.

m)  If there is a tie in a regular season game, then a shootout will occur. If a tie occurs in the playoffs than a sudden death 10 minute running time period will commence. And if still tied then a shootout will occur.

n)   While in the defending teams zone there is a 3 second limit for the offensive team in the defender’s goalie key. The 3 seconds will count when a players foot enters the key, not their stick. If the 3 second limit is called than the play will be blown down, and a face off will occur just outside the offending teams blue line.

o)   Intentional contact with goaltender is an automatic minor penalty.

p)   If a team is winning by 10 goals at the end of the first half, or at any time in the second half, the game will be called.



(1) Team Format

a)   A team shall not have more than five players and a goalie on the ice at any one time while play is in progress. (Men’s (5) & Co-ed league (3 Men, 2 Women) players and goalie)

b)   When a substitute goaltender enters the game, he shall take his position without delay and no warm-up time shall be allowed.

c)   If both teams are on the ice during the pre-game warm-up, players shall be restricted to their own half of the ice surface.


(2) Changing of Players

a)   Players may only be changed on the fly, after a goal, after a penalty is called, or after a timeout is used.  Players may change after a whistle or a stoppage of play, but must do so in a timely manner or a delay of game penalty will be assessed.

b)   A player in the penalty bench, who is going to be changed after his penalty has been served must proceed to the bench by way of the ice and be at the players' bench before any change is made.

c)   In the course of making a substitution, if either the player entering the game or the player leaving the game, contacts the puck, checks, or makes any physical contact with an opposing player wile the player leaving or entering the game is actually on the ice, then the infraction of "too many players on the ice" shall be called.  The contact with the puck or opposing player must be deemed intentional by the referee, or no penalty will be issued.


(3) Injured Players

a)   If a goaltender is injured, he shall be allowed five minutes to recuperate, except if a team has two goaltenders in uniform.  The replacement goaltender shall replace the injured one immediately.

b)   If a replacement for the injured goalie is necessary an additional five (5) minutes for a player to put on the goalie equipment.

c)   When a player is injured so that he cannot continue play or go back to his bench, the play shall not be stopped until the injured player's team has possession and control of the puck.  If the injured player's team is in control of the puck at the time of the injury, play shall be stopped.

d)   Where there is suspicion that a player is seriously injured the referee may stop the play.


Section 3 - Equipment

(1) Shoes

a)   Players are only allowed to wear sponge hockey shoes. If a player alters his footwear with screw or any other kind of objects or substances, he will be ejected from the game and be subject to an indefinite suspension pending a hearing with the League Coordinator.  Goaltenders may wear boots.

b)   Any player thought to be using a substance on his shoes to improve their traction will have their shoes removed from the game the team will have forfeited the game.  This call is solely at the referee's discretion.

Section 4 - Penalties


(1) Penalties

a)   Penalties may be made as play is in progress.

b)   Any unnecessary contact between opposing players after the whistle shall result in penalties being assessed.

c)   Where penalties are assessed to players of both teams at the same time, both teams shall play short-handed.

d)   Any player who receives three (3) penalties in one game will be ejected from the game.

e)  Any player who receives two (2) stick penalties (slashing, high sticking, cross check) in one game will be ejected from the game.


(2) Minor Penalties

a)   For a minor penalty any player except a goaltender shall be ruled off the ice for three (3) minutes, during which time the penalized team will be short-handed.

b)   If, while a team is short-handed because of one or more minor penalties and the opposing team scores a goal, the first of such penalties shall automatically terminate.


(3) Major Penalties

a)   For any major penalty, including the goaltender, such player shall penalized 5 minutes and be ruled off the ice for the remainder of the game. Another player will need to serve the 5 minute portion for their team. The League Coordinator will issue additional suspensions as per league rules.

b)   Any player who slew foots an opponent will be ejected from the game and assessed a major penalty and be written up to the League Coordinator.


(4) Misconduct Penalty

a)   A player, except goaltender, incurring a 'misconduct penalty' shall be ruled off the ice for ten (10) minutes.  When receiving a misconduct penalty, the team does not play short handed.

b)   The referee in charge shall report to the league, for further disciplinary action, any player who incurs a misconduct penalty within ten (10) minutes of the game's conclusion.

c)   Any player who is assessed a second misconduct penalty in the same game shall automatically be assessed a 'game misconduct penalty'.


(5) Game Misconduct Penalties

a)   A player incurring a game misconduct penalty shall be ordered out of the game for the remainder of the game. 

b)   Any player receiving a total of three (3) game misconduct penalties throughout the season shall be further dealt with by the league Suspension Director.


(6) Gross Misconduct Penalties

a)   Any player incurring a 'gross misconduct' penalty shall be ejected from the game and suspended as per League Rules.

b)   Gross misconduct penalties shall be assessed where a person conducts himself in such a manner as to make a travesty of the game.

c)   The referee shall report the offender and the full details surrounding the incident to the League Suspension Director, who may assess further penalties.


(7) Match Penalties

a)   Any player incurring a match penalty shall be ejected from the game and any further games until his case is looked at by the League Suspension Director.


(8) Penalty Shots

a)   A penalty shot will be awarded when a player who while on his own half of the ice throws his stick, or at anytime fouls from behind any player on a breakaway, or if the opposing team intentionally falls on the puck in the goal crease area.

b)   The goaltender must remain in his crease until the shooter has crossed the blue line.

c)   While the penalty shot is being taken, players of both teams shall withdraw to the sides of the rink on the opposite side of centre.

d)   After the penalty shot is taken, no further penalty should apply.


(9) Awarded Goals

a)   A goal shall be awarded when the opposing team either throws their stick, or when the attacking player is interfered with from behind on a breakaway with no goalie in the net.


(10) Goaltender Penalties

a)   No goaltender shall be sent to the penalty bench for an infraction which incurs, a minor or a major.  Instead, such a penalty shall be served by any player who was on the ice at the time.  However, any goalie that receives three (3) penalties in a game will be ejected.

b)   When a goaltender leaves the goal crease during a fight, he shall be assessed a minor penalty, plus any other penalties he might receive.

c)   If a goaltender intentionally participates in the play in any manner when he is beyond the centre red line, he shall be assessed a minor penalty.

d)   A minor penalty shall be assessed to a goaltender who, after catching the puck, drop kicks the puck.  If an injury happens as a result, a major penalty may be assessed.


(11) Calling of Penalties

(a)  If a player on the team in possession of the puck commits an infraction of the rules, which would call for a penalty, the whistle will be blown right away.  If a player's team who committed the foul does not have possession of the puck, the whistle will not be blown until the team has possession.


Section 5 - Officials

a)   All referees must be treated with courtesy, at all times during the entire season, by all players.  Failure to do so will result in a penalty.

b)   A referee has full authority and the final decision in all matters under dispute. His decision shall be final on all questions of fact.

c)   The referee is also the timekeeper and will notify the teams of the amount of time left in the period.


Section 6 - Playing Rules


(1) Abuse and Other Misconducts

a)   A misconduct penalty will be assessed to any player if he uses obscene or abusive                           language, shows disrespect, or intentionally knocks or shoots the puck out of reach of the referee.

b)   If the referee is unable to identify the person responsible for using obscene language, a bench minor will be assessed.

c)   A misconduct penalty will be assessed to any player who does not proceed directly to the penalty bench after receiving a penalty.


(2) Adjustment of Equipment

a)   A minor penalty will be assessed to any player who delays the game for adjustment of equipment.


(3) Attempt to Injure

a)   A match penalty shall be assessed to any player who deliberately attempts to injure an official or other player in any way.


(4) Body Contact

a)   There is no body contact what so ever.  Any contact will be a three (3) minute minor.


(5)  Broken Sticks

a)   No player will be allowed to play with a broken stick.  If a player is found to be using a broken stick, he will be assessed a minor penalty.


(6)  Cross-Checking

a)   A minor penalty shall be assessed to any player who cross-checks an opponent.

b)   Any player who strikes an opponent above the normal height of his shoulders with a cross-check will get a major penalty.


(7)  Delay of Game

a)   A bench minor penalty shall be assessed to a team, which in the opinion of the referee is deliberately delaying the game in any manner.

b)   A minor penalty will be assessed to any team attempting a legal player change in an untimely manner.


(8)  Elbowing

a)   A minor penalty will be given to any player who uses his elbows or knees.


(9)  Falling on the Puck

a)   A minor penalty shall be assessed to any player, besides the goaltender, who intentionally falls on or gathers the puck into his body by any means while lying on the ice.  A penalty shot will be awarded if any player intentionally falls on the puck within the goal crease area.

b)   A goaltender will get a minor penalty if he holds on to the puck when it is behind his net.  He must have part of his body inside his crease in order to cover the puck behind the goal line.


(10)  Fighting and Roughing

a)   Any players who fight will be automatically ejected and dealt with by the League Suspension Director.

b)   Any players using unnecessary roughness will be given a penalty.

c)   First fight is a minimum 6 game suspension, second fight minimum 12 game suspension (can carry over to next season), third fight is a lifetime ban from league. Instigating a fight is just as serious as fighting and can warrent suspension; the decision is rendered by the referee.


(11)  High Sticks

a)   A minor penalty shall be given to any player who checks or intimidates an opponent while carrying his stick above the normal height of their shoulders.

b)   A major penalty will be given to any player who, by high sticking an opponent, draws blood, whether intentional or not, suspension may be given upon referee’s discretion.

c)   Contacting the puck above normal height of the shoulders with the stick is prohibited and when it occurs a minor penalty will be assessed (no warning).

d)   If an attempt is made to contact a puck above the normal height of the shoulders, but no contact with the puck is made and there are no other players near the play (referee‘s discretion), the whistle will blow and the face off will go into the defensive zone of the offender.



(12)  Holding

a)   A minor penalty will be given to any player that holds an opponent, or his stick.


(13)  Hooking

a)    A minor penalty shall be given to any player who stops or tries to stop the progress of his opponent by hooking him with their stick.

b)  A minor penalty will be given if a player uses their stick to hook another player’s stick with the blade down towards the ice.


(14)  Interference

a)   A minor penalty will be given to any players who:

· Interferes with or impedes the progress of an opponent who is not in possession of the puck.

· Deliberately knocks a stick out of an opponent's hand.

· Prevents an opponent who has lost or dropped his stick from regaining possession of it.


(15)  Puck Out of Bounds

a)  When the puck goes outside the playing area or strikes obstacles above the playing surface, with the exception of the side boards or the wire mesh on top of the end board, play shall be stopped.  The face-off will be at the location from which the shot was made.

b)   A penalty will be given to any player who throws or purposely shoots the puck over the boards.

c)  Any puck that gets stuck in the wire mesh behind the nets, the faceoff will come outside the zone.


(16)  Puck Out of Sight

a)  Should a referee lose sight of the puck at any time, play will be blown down immediately.

b)   If at any time a puck from another rink interrupts with the play, it will be blown down immediately.


(17)  Slashing

a)   A minor or major penalty, at the discretion of the referee, shall be assessed to any player who impedes or seeks to impede the progress of an opponent by 'slashing' with his stick.

b)   A slashing penalty will be given to any player who swings his stick at his opponent, even if there is no contact.


(18)  Throwing Sticks

a)   A penalty shot will be given against the team whose player throws their stick in the defending zone.

b)   A minor penalty will be given to any player who throws their stick outside their defending zone.


(19)  Tripping

a)   A minor penalty will be given to any player who trips an opponent.  If injury results, there will be a five (5) minute penalty given.


(20)  Slap-shots (Co-ed Only)

a)   A minor penalty will be given to any player who raises their stick above their knees to take a shot in a co-ed game.  If injury results, there will be a five (5) minute penalty given.


(21)  Sliding

            A minor penalty shall be given to any player who intentionally dives or slides in the path of another player in an attempt to block the play.


(22)  After any penalty is called, the face off will go into the defensive zone of the team the penalty was given to.


(23) The Key and Goalie Crease

a)  The key is approx 12 feet long and 10 feet wide. Any offensive player has a 3 second count to exit the key. Once the referee makes the 3 count, the whistle is blown and the face off comes outside the zone.

b)  Sticks are NOT allowed in the key, the referee will start the count if a stick is in the key.

c)  The goalie crease will be approx 4 feet long and 10 feet wide. Any player that goes in the crease without the puck, the whistle is blown and face off outside the zone.

d)  Any player that comes into contact with a goalie that is in his goalie crease will be given a minor penalty for goalie interference.



Section 7 - Referees


a)   It is the duty of the referee to see that all games start promptly on time.

b)   Referees must be courteous at all times both on and off the ice.

c)   Referees must use their best judgement at all times in application of the rules, and enforce the rules firmly and impartially.

d)   Referees must be alert at all times, move quickly, keep the game moving and prevent stalling.

e)   Referees should make their decisions in a definite manner.

f)   When giving a penalty, the referees should do so in such a manner so that his action will show who the penalized player is.  Penalties should be given without hesitation.  The referee should keep away from penalized players to avoid arguments.

g)   Referees have to report all match and game misconduct penalties in detail to the league immediately following the game in which they occur.

h)   Referees should not permit any player to push or shove them or show disrespect.

i)    Referees should react strictly with penalized players who do not go immediately to the penalty bench when given a penalty. 

j)    Referees must wear skates except for exceptional circumstances where ice conditions do not permit.

Any rule not listed is referees discretion.
Any rule or regulation may be altered or changed at anytime by League Coordinator.


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